Small details you liked in Wario Land level graphics/backgrounds?


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So, what small details and background elements did you like spotting in Wario Land backgrounds and other graphics? They can be from any game, from the early days of Wario Land Super Mario Land 3 all the way to Shake It on the Wii, but hey, let's hear about them regardless!

For me...

In The Curious Factory, I always liked the backgrounds in the level and the general 'feel' the whole place had. Dunno why, but it always reminded me of Soviet Russia in some ways, from the giant mysterious robot being built in the background...

To somewhat poster like styles of the machinery backgrounds used elsewhere...


They always seemed like the type of pictures you'd see on a poster behind some proud standing workers in a factory with something like 'glory to the people's party' in big bold text in the foreground.

I also liked much of the decor in Pinball Zone in general. It did a very nice job of replicating the whole '60s pinball machine' aesthetic, what with all the retro style pictures and imagery littered around. The fact the same background was never used twice made it all the more impressive...


I mean, look at the above. That's so retro you'd think hipsters would go nuts over it, yet it fits so perfectly in the level and makes you almost despair for the days of good old pixel art and sprites...

Or from Shake It, how about Glittertown? That level has tons of neat backgrounds and details:


I mean, look at it! Shake King's face and Bandinero figures in neon lights! Very Vegas esque, but also darn cool.

I also love the inside. Lots of Shake King motifs in the background, not least this nice huge statue:


Talking of which, did anyone else note just how many Shake King references these worlds seem to have? Seriously, the guy's symbol is everywhere in almost every level. It's like he's taken lessons from Wily. Or Bowser. Or Eggman. Or Fawful...

There's also a winebar, for your (very subtle) alcohol references:


In Mount Bighill, there are some cool details too. See these boats?


I didn't originally notice it myself, but they actually move across the background. That's a very cool detail that barely anyone will ever spot...

There's also a weird statue I can't recognise...


The haunted house levels have some cool stuff too. Like all the skeletons and skulls in the backgrounds. Damn, that's a lot for a Nintendo level!


Or the mummy hanging on the windows...

Finally, the statues/robots in the final boss room. I've seen some people use them to argue the Shake King and co are mechanical, like the Smithy Gang from Super Mario RPG.

Personally, I don't believe it (the ones in the background are much bigger than the characters in game), but hey, could be interesting. An alternate universe filled with mechanical world conquering lunatics that like weapons and robots too much? Could happen I guess...

So what cool details have you noticed?


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Oh, and Boogie Mansion seems to have a zombie hanging out of a window instead of a mummy:

(see 8:45)

It's even waving!