The Misadventures Of Sans and Papyrus (feat. The Others)

Baker Man

Already F'd up 2025 gonna be my year
This is what happened at the houses in WTT between when they were in India and when they were in Call Of The Dead
I will do Sonic's house, where the skeleton brothers stayed.

At Sonic's house, Papyrus goes over to Sonic's computer...
P: I'm going to use the computer.
s: should you go clear your history?
S: No need.
P: Let's see, I want to look at boats.
Papyrus searches "Ships"...
s: yeah?
P: I've seen some things...
S: What were you looking for?
P: Boats.
s: you searched ships, didn't you?
P: Yeah, and now I'm traumatized by art of us kissing.
s: what the... the internet is sick.
S: Trust me, there's way worse.
s: deviantart?
S: DeviantArt.
P: I'm assuming I don't even want to know.
s: yep.
Tails calls Sonic
S: What's up?
T: Are you at your house right now?
S: Yeah, why?
T: Is anyone over there?
S: Why do you ask?
T: Because Cosmo ended up here with me.
S: Sans and Papyrus.
P: Hello Tails, I, the Great Papyrus, am scarred.
T: Why?
P: I looked up "ships", as I was looking for boats.
T: Oh no. What did you see?
P: Me and Sans kissing.
T: Ew.
C: What's going on, Tails?
T: Papyrus got traumatized online.
C: What happened?
T: He saw art of him and Sans...
C: That sounds pretty nice.
T: Kissing.
C: Ew.
T: Exactly.