Poll Thoughts on New Character Designs?

Thoughts on the New Character Designs/Art Style in WarioWare Gold

  • Yes!

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No!

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • They're good... But I prefer the older ones

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • Don't mind how they look

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


A pretty new Wario fan
WarioWare Gold includes some changes to character designs. They are small (and can count as design changes or art style changes), but they are changes nevertheless.

Here are a few for comparison. (They're hi-res, so I put them in a spoiler section). Some characters have more Images than others, due to them having different variations. Quite a lot of them are from Game & Wario because that's the most recent game that's not WarioWare Gold.

Game & Wario: Wario

WarioWare Gold: Wario (Looks very similar, just without shading, which is a recurring theme)

WarioWare DIY: Jimmy T.

Game & Wario: Jimmy T.

WarioWare Gold: Jimmy T. (Face looks different. His afro is more cloudy and bubbly. Mouth has changed)

WarioWare, Inc (GBA)/WarioWare, Inc (GCN).: Mona

WarioWare DIY: Mona

Game & Wario: Mona

WarioWare Gold: Mona (Face Shape looks different. Eyes & Mouth look different)

Game & Wario: 9-Volt

WarioWare Gold: 9-Volt (Eyes are brown now. More defined hands/fingers. Eyebrows are thicker. Missing weird siren things on hat. No star, Klonoa-looking things hanging from his hat)

Game & Wario: Ashley & Red

WarioWare Gold: Ashley (Her face looks funny with that pose, ha ha.) (Face Shape is different. Looks a little younger and shorter)


WarioWare Gold: Red (He has wings now! Looks a little wider)

Game & Wario: Kat

WarioWare Gold: (Eyes are brown now. Slightly different clothing. Different Face Shape)

Ana has the same changes.

You can view more of these changes for more characters with the following links (Thanks to the Super Mario Wiki for providing most of these images!):

WarioWare Gold Artwork:

WarioWare Gold - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

Game & Wario Artwork:

Gallery:Game & Wario - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

All in all, most of the changes are to do with the art style. Every character looks less detailed, has no shading and are more rounded. Some of you might prefer this, but some may not! Let me know what you think in the Poll or in more detail if you prefer below! Personally, I prefer the older designs a little more than the newer ones, but the newer ones still look good and are distinct to this game.

Some nice observations here. I’m with you in the way that I prefer the older designs, especially considering that they were the ones which had stuck with me since 2008. I still like the new designs too though.

Also, are you into Klonoa too? I kinda popped when I saw you included his name in this post lol.
Wonder if Ko took the criticisms about the G&W artstyle being too close to Rhythm Heaven to heart and overcorrected
They're fine I guess. I think a lot of it has to do with just the original artstyle/designs going unchanged for so long. The original artstyle wasn't actually all that remarkable in my opinion to begin with.
Some nice observations here. I’m with you in the way that I prefer the older designs, especially considering that they were the ones which had stuck with me since 2008. I still like the new designs too though.

Also, are you into Klonoa too? I kinda popped when I saw you included his name in this post lol.

Thanks! Yep, I'm into Klonoa. I played the first game (Both Versions) and the GBA ones. It's a good, really underrated franchise, and I wasn't expecting anyone to recognise what I was talking about but you also surprised me, haha.

Can't unsee the sad duck face on 9-Volt's helmet from Gold. The best change.

Oh wow. I'm never gonna unsee that either, lol.

Wonder if Ko took the criticisms about the G&W art style being too close to Rhythm Heaven to heart and overcorrected

That's a good observation. Gold's art style is a lot less like Rhythm Heaven now. I probably should have included more artwork from before Game & Wario, for another comparison.

I still prefer the old ones, but these ones have grown on me a bit none the less. Look better in game than official artwork if you ask me.

I agree. The low-resolution of the 3DS sort of clicks with the art style. Plus, in-game, the characters are in motion and are from different angles, which makes them look better, in my opinion.

They're fine I guess. I think a lot of it has to do with just the original artstyle/designs going unchanged for so long. The original artstyle wasn't actually all that remarkable in my opinion to begin with.

I see what you mean, but they have made little tweaks to characters over the years. However, Gold is a bigger change, like Game & Wario.

This is another topic, that would work better as a new forum, but I thought I'd just quickly bring it up here:
I really think they'll need to change the animation style with the next WarioWare (If there is one, hopefully). The fully voiced lines don't couple that well with the super-simple animation and lip-syncing. If the next game has full voice acting, it would work better if it had Smooth Moves styled cutscenes. The simplistic animation may have worked well when characters spoke one-liners and/or when hardware was more limited, but it doesn't work as well now.
I have my fair share of problems with the artstyle and there are a couple of redesigns that still irk me a little bit, but overall, it's grew on me (Especially after playing Gold.). It's still not my favorite aesthetic of the series admittedly, but I can live with it and I think it'll continue to grow on me over time.
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I'm not too big a fan of the redesigns because the style becomes even more homogenized than it already was. Mona looks like almost every other female character Ko Takeuchi has drawn; Penny, Kat, and Ana all look kind of uncanny in my opinion because of the oversimplified traits. Warioware's style was already simple enough before.
I see what you mean, but they have made little tweaks to characters over the years. However, Gold is a bigger change, like Game & Wario.

Damn I forgot about this topic.

What I was going for is that up until every G&W, the character designs didn't really change all that much it was more that every game had its own take on the artstyle.


Mega Microgame$/Party Games$ had minimal shading and was pretty much the base artstyle.


Twisted had blocky lineart and more shading


Touched had it so that the lineart and coloring were slightly misaligned.


Smooth Moves was a more detailed take on the base artstyle.

However, they're all pretty recognizably much the same design and artyle as you can mostly tell from her facial features, whereas the G&W design is a noticeably different design since her facial features are completely different.
