Decent enough analysis, but I feel the statement at the beginning about the series being notorious for not having latest appeal is kinda weird. Not because they're not short (they are) or because the sense of surprise of seeing and figuring out new microgames isn't a big part of the immediate appeal (it is), but because WarioWare is like the one series left with 30 mins-1 hour storyline left that doesn't get slaughtered by journos for it because it has plenty of carrots (microgames, cheevos, toys etc.) for completionists.
Also saying Ashley made Kat & Ana redundant as characters (????)
Ashley didn't make Kat & Ana redundant, but Young Cricket did. Or I should say, Young Cricket feels redundant. Both of their stories seem to involve some sort of action adventure or training.
But my problems with the cast is another topic. This should be about gameplay since that's what the video is primarily about. I'll give my thoughts later.