Wario's next big company!


Switch Friend Code: SW-6126-0782-8125. SuperToad4
One day Wario was playing Tiny Tower on his IPad when he got an idea. "I'm going to use the cash I got from WarioWare and treasure hunting to build an apartment/commercial building!" So Wario spent his cash on 49 commercial floors and 49 residential floors and got millions of dollars in rent and profits. (The residential floors hold 10 people each). Wario now lives in his castle that he rebuilt with the money. He also gave his WarioWare employees some cash because he had nothing to do.
Wario was aware that some people flew garlic competitively, but the idea had never interested him. He just wanted to be out here, feeling the breeze in his fat cottage cheese folds, watching the ponderous yet oddly delicate motion of the garlic in the wind. He and his garlic knew how good they were. He didn't feel any need to prove it.
Even still, there were others who apparently did, and the thought of gaining a 100% share in a dying man's will was just too good to pass up. Around the world in 80 days? Easy.
So Wario ventured out to the realm of Hyrule and descended into the catacombs deep beneath the foundations of Hyrule Castle. In the shadow-haunted tomb he saw the redead mummy of Ganondorf, eldrich demon of unspeakable evil.

This beef jerky-ass mutherfucker was oozing out all kinds of dark evil fog magic and witchcraft shit, and snapped his undead buzzard neck around 180 degrees to look straight at wario with red satan eyes. Wario noped the fuck out of there so fast his cheese curd fat rolls began reverberating at a hypersonic frequency, weakening the foundations and bringing the whole damn castle down on Jerkydorf cuz Wario knew furniture was gonna start levitating and shit if he stayed around there any longer, fuck that hellion shit!

Wario made it out just in time, though the ptsd harrowed his mind for all his days.
Completely exhausted from running out of there, Wario decides he needs nourishment. He promptly looks around and finds a nice burger restaurant. He tells the Toad up front his order and suddenly...
Completely exhausted from running out of there, Wario decides he needs nourishment. He promptly looks around and finds a nice burger restaurant. He tells the Toad up front his order and suddenly...
The protagonist from Predator appears from the bushes and tells him he needs his help
Then Wario stepped through a time warp to the future, and proceeded to buy a new palace with lots of features. Then he went back to his own time and ate garlic and crapped all day long.