[Upcoming Game] What character will get a vocal song in this title?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
So far, we've had vocal themes associated with all these characters:

  1. Dribble & Spitz: Drifting Away, Tomorrow Hill
  2. Kat & Ana: Four Seasons, Stealth Turtles
  3. Jimmy T: Body Rock, Jimmy's Groove
  4. Mona: Mona Pizza
  5. Ashley: Ashley's Theme
  6. Mike: Mike's Theme
  7. Wario: Wario de Mambo
  8. Penny: Penny's Song
  9. 18-Volt: 18 x 13
  10. 13-Amp: See above
So which character will get a vocal song this time around?
When it comes to unique character themes we have:

Wario: Wario Deluxe's Theme
Jimmy T.: Body Rock, his mode in Mega Party Game$! if you count that
Mona: Mona Pizza
Dribble & Spitz: Drifting Away, their theme in Twisted!, Tomorrow Hill
Ashley & Red: Ashley's Theme
Dr. Crygor: His theme in Inc., Yellow Murmur
Penny: Penny's Theme
Kat & Ana: Four Seasons, Split Screen if you count that

Excluding the Volts, the only mainline characters to not have received their own themes are Young Cricket and Orbulon, so hopefully they get some representation this time around!
God a new Orbulon theme would be great! Wonder what it'd be about though?

About him exploring outer space and stumbling upon Wario and his friends, of course.

Or just his secret desire to conquer Earth, if the devs are willing to make him cool n' edgy again. (And not this overly "cutified" tiny puppet who is but a parody of his former glory.)
About him exploring outer space and stumbling upon Wario and his friends, of course.

Or just his secret desire to conquer Earth, if the devs are willing to make him cool n' edgy again. (And not this overly "cutified" tiny puppet who is but a parody of his former glory.)
He's always been tiny, he just looks more like a baby now because he's less slim. I would love him to have his own theme where he keeps going from "I'll rule the world!" to "oh... maybe I should wait a bit longer" considering how many times he just puts it off.
If you guys have ever listened to Scott the Woz's song "Stupid Nintendo Games", that's basically how I'd imagine a 9-Volt theme to go. A song rhyming about all the things in his collection.
He WAS much more gangly but honestly he's been stuffing his face full of burgers for a decade now so it was bound to catch up to him eventually.
About him exploring outer space and stumbling upon Wario and his friends, of course.

Or just his secret desire to conquer Earth, if the devs are willing to make him cool n' edgy again. (And not this overly "cutified" tiny puppet who is but a parody of his former glory.)
Oooh oooh I was thinnnnkin, maybe Orbulon's race comes and scolds Orbulon?
Maybe its orbulon's family??? That would be super cute. What if at the end of the minigames
In which Orbulon shows them all the cool things you can do on earthy they decide to
Orbulons alien family members could all be totally unique in design or color
OR they could be lowkey parodies of some of the existing wario cast.
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Ending this debate once and for all B)
1) Orbulon is now bootless so that makes anyone shorter

That being said his new design features at least shorter LOOKING legs that don't
seem like they could even fit into the boots he used to wear.
2) Orbulon used to be the same size or taller than Ashley now he is smaller
3) Orbulon's head is now larger OR his body is smaller
(it is 3x larger than his body now instead of classic 2x)
4) Orbulon is a chubby bunny now.
5)Orbulon used to be bigger than his space bunnies
which were shown to be at least as big as a child, half the size of an adultBut now orbulon is the size of a pig which is smaller than the space bunnies which orbulon




orbulon is small now as seen next to a pig
Pigs which are the smallest in warioware as seen in being the smallest of mona's pets consistently

There is no way around it, they either made orbuon smaller on purpose
Or just fucked up orbulons proportions but went with it cause it looks cuter
That or Orbuon is frozen in time and everyone else is growing but that doesn't explain
How is he now the size of a warioware piggy?
Obviously he's shrunk. Those pigs he's the size of aren't even bipedal like the one he was taller than before.


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Also fr can we elephant in the room for a second?
Everyone is all caught up on Orbulon shrinking 2-4 inches

Red used to be up to ashley's stockings now he's like half her size almost
Is he absorbing her negative energy?
Will one day red become too powerful for ashley to contain?
Could Red end up being a boss in Warioware?
...It's just Dr. Crygor's bonus mode this time. I really wish they would put some songs in the actual mainline stages, they totally missed out on the opportunity to give Young Cricket and Orbulon their own themes...
...It's just Dr. Crygor's bonus mode this time. I really wish they would put some songs in the actual mainline stages, they totally missed out on the opportunity to give Young Cricket and Orbulon their own themes...

Do you have a link? Curious to hear it now...