What's the origin of your usernames ? What other username would you use if you had to change ?


Putting the DZ back in Diamond Zity
Diamond City Insider
Personally, I actually chose this username in 2020 because the demo of fangame called Sonic Triple Toruble 16-bit came out. It reminded that Nack the Weasel exists so I combined Knuckles and Nack making "Nackles" throughout the years, when the Nackles name was taken, I changed to "Nackless", "NacklessK", then "NacklesK" which ended up being my final username.

If I had to pick another one, It'll be Dzario.

Edit : I first used the Nackles username while modding Sonic 3 A.I.R.
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My brother used an username like Esteban-Tby, that is his real name Esteban with his real alias Teby but short. Like I am a little my brother's opposite, I decided use an username similar, with the acronym of my real full name (JAGM) that means Jorge Antonio Gutierrez Martinez and with my real alias Georgy. It is an username that I actually use in internet.
My original username was TheBakingGamer0424, an old alias I used on some games similar to Roblox, like Rec Room and VRChat (couldn't actually use it on Roblox tho since if you switch the n and i in "TheBakingGamer0424" it contains the n-word, which wasn't intentional), since I bake, I game, and 4/24, April 24, is my birthday, 24/4 for you non-Americans.
Then I decided to change my username to something cleaner after changing it to Spooky Baker for October (which the time to change again is in just a month and a half), and so I chose Baker Man.
TL;DR My old username is an old online alias, I chose my new one since it was cleaner.
And as for a backup, I dunno.
Surprisingly, it's based on my Lycos password from like, 20 years ago. I don't think anyone even remembers that service anymore!
My mom actually came up with mine. I was 7 years old and was eager to join in on the Webkinz trend at my elementary school. I loved Bionicle and my favorite number was 30, so she swapped Toa Tahu's name and title around then put 30 on the end.
These days, saying my name is like saying Elizabeth Queen-- it's the same two words but because they're swapped you imagine a completely different person (as your brain likely just demonstrated for you. who tf is Elizabeth Queen??? Queen Eli-- OHHH).

When I joined ROBLOX two years later in the rainy season of 2009 (another trend at my school), I didn't use the number 30. I would later, after I fell prey to a scammer (his user was reddawg5, which I'm surprised I remember). I had to use a 2nd account for a while. The funny thing is years later I changed the tahutoa account's password back to what it was when I'd gotten scammed.

But ROBLOX is where "tahutoa" by itself comes from. For a long time, I continued to use variations on it, usually with numbers and/or capital T's, but like any maturing human being I ended up lopping off the unnecessary parts. I came back to the ROBLOX version again and again, and that's the name that gained any traction. That's the version of the name that would be used the most often. I eventually came to hate when people capitalize the T.
Surprisingly, it's based on my Lycos password from like, 20 years ago. I don't think anyone even remembers that service anymore!
I recognize that name, though! I think I heard it on the YogPod. (Their ages were 31 and 25 in 2009.) They also used Ventrilo for their chats, which I assume was the big name directly before Skype.
I eventually came to hate when people capitalize the T.
How do hate when people when people capitalize the t, though ? Does it have something to do with this "Toa Tahu" character ?
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Mokey's show by Sr Pelo. From Mokey's famous catchphrase alongside IT KRIMAAAAAH! Nothing more to say about that. Also, when I watched the Cuphead Show, I remember finding this pic of him looking so speccy and it was so funny that I decided to use it. Nothing more to say about that either.