Why does Wario Land 2 limit save data by colour/non-colour version?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
As TCRF wiki states, files played on a Game Boy or Game Boy Colour are incompatible with the other system, with the game refusing to let you play them on the other console:

But why does this exist on a technical level? Does patching out the check cause any bugs or glitches further down the road?

What's the purpose of this restriction to begin with?
You're telling me the Game Boy of color is getting seperate save ? Sounds like racial segragation to me.

In all seriousness, if I had to take a uneducated guess, I'd say maybe the developpers didn't want to risk any potential issues that could come up with making the saves able to open by either systems ? But I doubt Wario Land 2 was the first Dual GB/GBC game so.... even my theory doesn't make much sense. Maybe there's something specific in Wario Land 2's coding the other Dual GB/GBC games don't have that may have worried the devs that the game would have issues ?
some guy on reddit had a pretty good guess.