Donkey is a poor man's Bluster Kong. Bluster Kong's rich, layered characterization was the reason I have a Bluster Kong tattoo on my inner thigh. Under it? Comic sans lettering that reads "BITCHES DIG DA MAN YO." Bluster Kong embodies a carefree individualism that inspires me on a daily basis.
At my nephew's funeral I was "escorted" from the cemetery premises because my "drunken yelping" about Bluster Kong was apparently "highly inappropriate" and "disrespectful". My nephew was a Donkey Kong fan. A fan of that fucking circus reject. Sure my nephew passed far too young but Bluster Kong said it best in my Bluster Kong fanfic, "From my Corporatist Utopia, I Watch the World Scream: Part 1", when he dryly uttered, "Burn in hell, chimp. Burn in hell." ”
I really do have a Bluster Kong tattoo on my inner thigh, I really did write a multipart Bluster Kong fanfiction and the above is in no way copy pasted from Donkey Kong Universe.