Would I miss much by not playing multiplayer?


9-Volt's ugly cousin
Firstly, hello again Wario Forums, long time no see!

Being a huge WarioWare fan, I'm going to get this game soon. However, it seems (from my limited research) that the game has a much larger push towards multiplayer than any other game in the series (except for maybe the Gamecube one). I know there are a few multiplayer minigames.
It also seems like - I may be wrong here - that the singleplayer minigames such as Pyoro will be absent.
Considering these, does this game lack in terms of singleplayer content, compared to something like Gold or Touched?
Get it Together still has some decent single player content, but one can see that the game focus more on multiplayer (which makes the lack of online play a typical case of Nintendo dumbness). I still found a great amount of joy from the single player but it isn't comparable to gold. If u can u should try the multiplayer as well.
If u not sure if u want to buy it, than u should try the Demo and see if the basic concept is something u like. But don't expect the same amount of content as gold in terms of singleplayer.