Would you buy from WarioWare Inc in real life?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
If Wario's company actually existed, would you buy its games?

Or heck, support the company in general?

I'm on the fence. On the one hand, the amount of value in each game would be tiny, if they really were about 5 seconds long. But on the other hand... Wario's such an awesome character and the company seems so original that... I'd probably prefer them to the rest of the video game industry. At least Wario is honest about his motivations!
Well, his only goal is to make money, but he's creative with his games! And his friends have shown to be very qualified game makers, so I'd support them.

But there are two ways to think of it: WarioWare Inc. being part of real life, in which they would be indeed the most original company, so any help we give them would be useful in their battle against the giants...or us being part of the Wario world, in which WarioWare Inc. is probably the prominent gaming company by now (you see how awesome pompous their building is?). And in that case...I'd still support it, because Wario is much cooler than Pyoro and whatever else could exist in this Diamond City-centric dimension.
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I would buy from them. Their games are better than the competition...which, admittedly, doesn't sound too hard considering what said competition is.

This company needs to exist, no questions asked.
"where he becomes a new student at Diamond City Elementary." It looks like 18-volt is supposed to be there. Just because somebody is tall doesn't make them much older. I was 5'11 in 5th grade. Unless he got held back a lot, lol.

"Elementary school student (believe it or not)" is his G&W card.
"where he becomes a new student at Diamond City Elementary." It looks like 18-volt is supposed to be there. Just because somebody is tall doesn't make them much older. I was 5'11 in 5th grade. Unless he got held back a lot, lol.

"Elementary school student (believe it or not)" is his G&W card.
you mean to tell me that he isnt one of those english teachers who really tries to seem cool? :0

also, WarioWare, take all my money!