Yokai Watch

Crescent-Moon Villager

Nameless moon-presence
Has anyone here taken any interest in Yokai Watch? Apparently it's a big phenomenon in Japan now, on par with Pokémon back in the 90s. I've watched the first 10 episodes of the Yokai Watch anime English dub, and thought the show was genuinely funny and enjoyable (and I don't usually watch anime of any kind, my only interest in anime is Ghibli films).

Does anyone have the new 3ds Yokai game?

Have you watched the anime?

What are your favorite Yokai?

My favorites so far are:

Manjimutt, a pervy middle-aged salaryman who died in the same time and place as a dog, becoming fused together in the afterlife. He often tries to get away with doing dog things, like peeing in public, only to be arrested because people think he's human.


Hidabat, a bat-like creature who "enspirits" people (the Yokai equivalent of possession I guess), and makes them become recluses. He's often seen on a laptop in a dark room. The show sorta pokes fun at shut-ins by saying that Hidabat enspiritings have become more frequent in recent years :p


Komasan: a dog-like creature from the country who came to the big city in search of ice cream(?) He's often confused and scared by the fast-paced city life, and talks with a stereotypical southern accent. He's a fan-favorite apparently.


Robonyan: A mechanized version of another Yokai (Jibanyan) from the future. He has a chocolate bar factory inside his body, and whenever he departs he says "I'll be back".
