How was your 2024 ?


Putting the DZ back in Diamond Zity
Diamond City Insider
So with 2024 coming to a close, I've decided to make a thread where people can talk about their expereinces during this year as well as conclusion to start 2025.

Personally it was a lot of boredom and stressful minor inconveniences. I mean.. it's the first year I didn't enjoy my summer vacation. A lot of days were ruined because of some dumb stuff I'd do, like sometimes I spend the whole day being mad and then at like 9 PM I realize I was mad at nothing and realize I wasted a day doing nothing. I also went from middle school to high school which I expected it to be just worse middle school. The first day I though "Hey, maybe I was wrong, it looks like this school year could be great" and honestly it was just worse middle school. That's basically the only thing out of the ordinary that happened this year.

On a more positive note, I started to learn on some mistake I used to do. And I'm very greatful that no major issues accured for me. I also started a lot of stuff : Like working on a fangame, learning C++, studying subjects I'd like to adavnce myself on, learning languages, working out, practicing a sport combat, and even if I sometimes procrastinate, I still end up picking myself up. And despite me not getting along with my classmates very much, I still have and made a few friends who I get along with very well.

Conclusion to myself : I should stop making problems bigger than they actually are. I seem to always hate on years until the next one turns out to be worse and I start missing the one before. Like I immediately started to think of all the bad this year had without remebering anything good until thinking for a bit and writing the second paragraph. My life isn't hard, I just make it harder in my head because I don't have a lot of real problems and that's something I should stop.​
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This year was a year of success, I graduated from college this year, I rest all this year and I made a lot of progress with my future videogames and future books, these videogames I didn't finish it because my mom and me want to create good official educative videogames together, and my mom has yet to retire for make these videogames together and these books I didn't finisht it because my mom know more about spelling and she is occupied yet with her job, but she will help me with my books when she retires.
Honestly kinda mediocre. The games released this year were generally less interesting for me than those released last year, and the videos I posted felt less exciting than that year too. Plus, I don't think we got anything Wario related in 2024, did we?
I might just go on a rant while I'm at it
This year was mediocre at its best but due to class being a pain in the ass I've just not been myself
My reason? Some of my classmates Piss me off like GENUINELY. And do NOT get me started when we go out for a break that shits a nightmare
My freinds asks me if I'm alright I tell her yeah but. Am I really OK?
I've tried my best throughout this year to achievemy dream to be a voice actor.
It was tough but I got through it
Overall it was in the middle of mid and OK
In otherwords I think I might be dealing with depression and maybe stress
Honestly kinda mediocre. The games released this year were generally less interesting for me than those released last year, and the videos I posted felt less exciting than that year too. Plus, I don't think we got anything Wario related in 2024, did we?
We got Move it! So iguess we did.
Getting in on the thread before the big bad '25 of the apocalypse comes, my year was fine, I guess. Didn't really accomplish anything and don't have expectations for 2025. I have been playing quite a few new games though, so that's epic.

Now to hope for 2025 to be the Year of Wario...
We got Move it! So iguess we did.
Wasn't Move It in 2023?

Getting in on the thread before the big bad '25 of the apocalypse comes, my year was fine, I guess. Didn't really accomplish anything and don't have expectations for 2025. I have been playing quite a few new games though, so that's epic.

Now to hope for 2025 to be the Year of Wario...
And same, it'd be cool if 2025 was the Year of Wario for sure.
And same, it'd be cool if 2025 was the Year of Wario for sure.
If the Mario Movie 2 happens to push Wario forward maybe we could have as similar situation to what happened to Shadow in the Sonic franchise this year. I don't really know how popular Wario is nowadays so it may not work as well, though.
If the Mario Movie 2 happens to push Wario forward maybe we could have as similar situation to what happened to Shadow in the Sonic franchise this year. I don't really know how popular Wario is nowadays so it may not work as well, though.
Actually come to think of it, the Year of Luigi was because they were celebrating Luigi's 30th anniversary, but they glossed over Wario's first appearance, which is now 32 years old... :wl1despair:
Graduated this year and got into my first real relationship. Had a not half bad job over the summer and got to hang out with friends quite a bit, finally got to travel outside my country for the first time ever. So I really did have some big things happen this year, and more than anything I want to continue improving my mental state as I progress into my 20s. Especially as I continue venturing out into the real world after my program finishes up and I have to go back to being with my parents. I really just want to make the best of everything and I have a strong feeling that 2025 is going to go better... at least in terms of my addiction. I had so, so many relapses this year unfortunately. I want to teach myself to be more content with all the wonderful things that i already have instead of wanting more more more. I just know that 2025 will be better, even if I do not do as many things.
I really just want to make the best of everything and I have a strong feeling that 2025 is going to go better... at least in terms of my addiction.
Well at least you're trying to remove addictions. Most people just ignore or deny them, no matter the type of addiction.
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