Yikes Spike Jul 17, 2018 Proof that Waluigi is god: https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meh3rwHcwc1rpu770o1_1280.jpg He had five fingers on his Simpsons cameo.
Proof that Waluigi is god: https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meh3rwHcwc1rpu770o1_1280.jpg He had five fingers on his Simpsons cameo.
The 3rd Wario Brother Jul 15, 2018 Aye @Waluigi_Is_God and welcome to Warioforums where the gold is good and the garlic is better. Have a rotten stay, Wahaha!
Aye @Waluigi_Is_God and welcome to Warioforums where the gold is good and the garlic is better. Have a rotten stay, Wahaha!