I just noticed I have two copies of Super mario world for the SNES, Super mario world for the gameboy and I downloaded Mario world on the Eshop a year ago. am I crazy for Mario world or what? 0.o
OMG. I had a mini heart attack. I clicked off my fanfic by mistake and I thought I lost everything. But when I opened the page again it was still there.
It asked me for my name when I made this account so I entered it in, if I would have known that would be my username on here I would have made up a much better one
Next Fanfic idea; Clark kent aka Superman get's a job at Warioware inc. Ashley knows somethings up with this new guy and goes in a stakeout and she finds out he's superman. Who is weak to kryptonite and...magic!
in my icon Ashley is making sure her teeth is clean. Emma/Ashley fanfic in the works. I'm not sure a female female love story would work here so it's just gonna be a friendship deal story.
I wanted to download SFM for Ashley animations but my computer sucks for this sort of software/ I'm stuck with MMD, it isn't that bad but I'd rather SFM Q_Q
First Red lantern Ashley and now Galactus just gave Ashley the power cosmics! What's next, Ashley with the infinity gauntlet!? Too op. This story keeps getting better and better.
I'm seeing a lot of mixed feelings for Cloud, so who likes him added and who dislikes him added into smash? Me? I LOVE IT...even though I never played a final fantasy game, lol.