Recent content by WhimsicalFujoshi~

  1. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Unpopular Video Game Opinions

    Actually OoT is like somewhere in the middle for me. MM and WW beat it by a fair margin, and stylistically I like TP more. Hell, I enjoy Skyward Sword more than I enjoy OoT. (Tbf that's just because I like character development and Skyward Sword actually has that.) I just kinda get annoyed when...
  2. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Unpopular Video Game Opinions

    Opinion: Saying Ocarina of Time is overrated is overrated.
  3. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Unpopular Opinions for Everything Else

    Is the gender thing rly an unpopular opinion tho? I'm pretty sure enough people agree with that that it's more of a mainstream opinion. In fact I see it said more than "There's more than two genders." That said, one for me would be, unpopular opinion threads are pointless because what's...
  4. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Social Thread

    Absolutely wild, innit? Harambe and anime abound.
  5. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    I hate when they say (General Chit Chat version)

    That's why I'm against nationalism overall tbh. People take it too far, and start dehumanizing. (It's never done well for anyone, let's be real. Especially when in power/in government.) Nothing wrong with pride, as long as it's not delusional pride. In relation to the actual topic, I get really...
  6. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Social Thread

    Oh there's an actual discord now? Huh.
  7. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Social Thread

    How's it been hanging here anyway? (Personally I've been running around like wild, and I'm way too tired lately.)
  8. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Social Thread

    Hey there Magma. I felt like popping in.
  9. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Social Thread

    *Various weeaboo noises.* Hiya.
  10. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    I've been caught, here I am.

    I've been caught, here I am.
  11. WhimsicalFujoshi~


  12. WhimsicalFujoshi~


  13. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    I've been sorting some stuff out, trying to set myself a bit more straight. It's going somewhere.

    I've been sorting some stuff out, trying to set myself a bit more straight. It's going somewhere.
  14. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    I've been off a bit lately, sorry for disappearing.

    I've been off a bit lately, sorry for disappearing.
  15. WhimsicalFujoshi~

    Like Justin Timberlake.

    Like Justin Timberlake.