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  • Update, pretty sure the bite might be getting infected! There are actually three areas where the cat's teeth punctured my finger, but the other two look to have scabbed without issue. Moral of the story? Cats are assholes sometimes
    What's popping, Wario Nation, I got bit by a fucking cat and I am pretty sure the bite will get infected. Place your bets on if it will get infected or not.
    Damn, will I become like, Cat Care or some shit? Or will I have a violent infection that sprays pus at like 200 mph that I can use to my advantage somehow?
    I mean technically speaking all contagious sicknesses can be used as weapons by sneezing at your enemies to harm them.
    I think to utilize an infection offensively though, I'd probably have to have prolonged contact with an open sore or something? Just long enough for some bacteria to jump ship
    La la la la la
    If you didn't think then would you be able to come up with this brilliant combination of aliiteration and assonance that is "La la la la la" (l. 1). The phrase seems childish at first, looking rather simple. However "La" corresponds to the A music note in the Italian/European Notation meaning this could be written "5 × a" which reminds one of arithmetic literal equal to a multiple of 5 with a ∈ ℤ. Furthermore, "La" in many Latin languages means "The" which is an article much like "A", which we establaished earlier also corresponds to "La", concluding the phrase full cricle.

    In conclusion, "La la la la la" is commentary on how the cycle of life may seem eternal and shows how with few communication, one can convey a complex thought.
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    The true meaning of me randomly commenting some lyrics from an old song... simply mindblowing
    What 5 hours of litterature class a week does to someone.
    The insect is not real.
    The insect is not real.
    The insect is not real.
    Finished Legacy of Rust! Lovely expansion, some of the later levels suck absolute dick though.

    I hope whoever thought the 24 Arch-vile closet was a good idea gets explosive diarrhea while at work, but that aside, cool expansion. Loved the Ash Mill level.
    Christmas pfp....
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    Good luck with that, I already had Larry Butz from Ace Attorney dressing up as Santa in the first game in mind as mine (just explaining what it is)
    You say good luck, but I am already decked with jolly....

    Beat Sigil! It's supposed to be a sort of fifth episode for Doom 1, which means no Super Shotgun nor Doom II demons. Still a fun experience though! The music is awesome, I was hanging on by pretty much nothing at the end because I was almost out of ammo and health, but the music was pumping me the fuck up!!! Good shit.
    I forgot to mention it, but I beat Doom II: No Rest For the Living! Interesting little expansion that has eight levels as if it was an episode from the first Doom. Won't post a screenshot because the end screen was the same as Doom II's, so it'd be kind of look like I posted the same one, but I liked it! Levels were cool. Currently playing through Sigil, when I beat that I will post about it.

    I fucking love Psychopomp now, so I shall now make it what my profile is themed after.

    This monstrosity now exists because I was trying to make a new banner, but it didn't fit the banner size in a way
    that'd look good, so enjoy staring at it
    If you put me in your wallet, your wealth will double by tomorrow...
    My organs aren't of good condition, so you may get laughed at for trying to sell them. Instead, consider deep frying them and selling them on the street.
    This might be one of the most concerning self-depricating jokes I've heard in a long time.
    Don't be afraid, I am a god in human flesh waiting to bloom like a flower when it sees the sun.
    Happy birthday! Seeing the address on your account really makes me want to scope out that place for myself, it looks delicious... if I ever go to that state, that is.
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    Thank you for the birthday wish!! If you ever get around to going to the state Wario's Beef and Pork is in, please bring a Wario item for a photo. :wahlaughback:
    Ah, I do not have any. I can always print out a picture of Wario to carry with me though!
    That works, we need Wario to see the restaurant named after him :p
    Oh hey, happy birthday!
    You know, today's my brother's birthday too.
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    Thank you!! I actually know someone else who shares the birthday. It's weird how many people seem to share it.
    Happy Halloween, Wario Forums! Buy yourself bags of candy and make sure to leave an extra one out for Wario! He'll be coming by for it and your wallet.
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