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  • And I'm back! I got to go to Switzerland to see family I had not seen in 18 years (my aunt uncle and cousins who live there, only family I have in Europe) and it was awesome, I had so much fun and did not want to go lol!
    Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day yesterday... I went clubbing/bar hopping for the second time in my life and it definitely was a better experience than the first time. But boy do I feel fatigued, I don't think that stuff is my scene really.

    Did you guys know WarioWare: Get It Together! has a Russian localization? Makes you wonder why they did not do the same for Move It!... maybe budgeting reasons?
    • Informative
    Reactions: NacklesK
    I always wondered what languagesother countries without proper localisation get as default. I'm guessing it's probably English except for maybe some African countries that get French due to it being spoken there, even if not the official language.
    English, for better or for worse, is the international language of travel and trade, so yeah it is the "default" one that people and companies go for. As someone whose first language is English... I can only imagine what it is like to learn it!

    But yeah, there are a good number of Francophone countries (in places like Africa) and French is the second most learned language in the world believe it or not.
    Well, it happened. Back to being single for the first time in more than a year. But I felt like I had to be honest with my partner that I am not sure 100% about if I want to be in a relationship right now and that I was having a lot of anxiety, and she revealed to me that she was getting anxiety too. She wants to remain friends and perhaps in the future that can happen since we were on good terms but as of right now, there is space. I just tried my best to console her during the hours we called and made sure that she knew it had nothing to do with her. So yeah, back to the single life I go, which is not a bad thing for me right now in my life. I think that some space and time will heal us, and I am glad that we got to have the experience while we could. It has taught us a lot. So yeah...
    I genuinely is such a shame that they did not give Move It! just a couple more months in development so it could be fully fleshed out more in some aspects. I genuinely think it had potential to be the best WarioWare game in the series if they had just not released it so close to GIT! in a busy span of notable titles for the Switch, particularly Super Mario Bros. Wonder. The only thing about Move It! that I dislike... is that there is not more of it, it is that good. There are really not that many toys or other things to do outside of the main story, so it really does seem like it is a multiplayer experience than a single player one, like the earlier games in the series.

    In a bizzare way, I just love the aesthetic of the game so much. As someone who's first game was Smooth Moves, I had been wanting to see more goofy 3D models in the microgames for a while (although they look more polished than that game) and it is great how they delivered on that! I just wish the game did not feel like it was rushed in certain aspects, I really do believe it could have been the best entry in the whole series. It even brought back full voice acting! Either way, Move It! is such an amazing game!
    I played a short while and I agree the game is really cool and fun but the content is simply lacking. Gold had so many extras to unlock plus the missions. Get it Toegther had the Wario Cup, cosmetics, missions, multiplayer modes... And what does WarioWare: Move It! have ? Some multiplayer modes, the Crygor mode, a minigame and that's it ? That's basically Smooth Moves level of content ! Why are we back by almost 20 years ago ?
    Two minigames as there is a Pyoro one too. But yeah, I think it has to do with a potentially rushed development time, that's all.
    Happy 1 year anniversary to my favorite game on the Nintendo Switch!! I love it so much as someone who grew up playing Smooth Moves!!

    Well, both this game and Superstars are good multiplayer experiences, but I would say that if you do not have as many friends around to play with, go with Move It! because the story mode suffices well. I would not say that the game has that much toilet humor, but there is some cake. It took twelve game in the series to have a microgame about unclogging a toilet, and there is only one in the entire series (1700+ microgames) that has Wario farting.
    I was refering to the cake when I was talking about toilet humor. It's doing a diservice to Wario honestly. I feel like the series is going from quriky yet full of personality to just immature. That's actually what actually kept me away from Wario as a kid, I really didn't the find the humor in the modern Wario all that funny, not knowing that there's more to it than that.
    That is fair, although I personally do not agree, I understand it.
    Anyone doing anything spoopy for Halloween? I would love to dress up but Idk if I will, what I would get or where I would even go.
    I mean, most of the members on here last logged in more than 5 years ago. Isn't that spooky enough ?
    UPDATE: I officially found the song I was looking for! I randomly heard it today and was able to Shazam it, and it is super catchy!

    Fitting too because that is my last day at that job. It was a great day because I got to say goodbye to my coworkers and saw some regulars. Pretty soon I am going to Spain to teach English, and I am super excited (and scared) to start this new chapter in my life, involving what I love, languages. Wish me luck guys!
    If you guys are reading this, then I need your help.

    I am looking for a song that goes like this that I heard at Walgreens but it escaped before I had the chance to Shazam it. The melody goes like this and it sounded like a k pop song since I did not really make out any lyrics, was electro and had female vocals. However, it could have been in English and I simply wasn't paying attention. Does anyone recognize this melody? I remember it very clearly, it was probably a newer song. Plz help if you can!
    Let's hope for the best with tomorrow's direct!! Just give me Tomodachi Life or Rhythm Heaven or Wario Land and I'm satisfied. I want Wario Land the most.
    I have never played those games but they have always seemed appealing to me.
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    if you can find a copy online, or maybe even a rom (just beware it got taken down on vimm's lair, which sucks), and you have a ds/3ds (or a phone or computer if you have a rom), then i'd suggest starting from the first one, just know investigations is different from the regular ones
    Wow, I just got major deja vu reading your response... I feel like I have seen this before...
    Do you guys think Wario Land will ever make a comeback?
    Greedy Trickster
    Greedy Trickster
    As a longtime fan who's been hoping since Shake It, no. And that's okay!

    The people who made those original 5 games are either passed away or long since moved on to other projects and Shake It's team has moved on to other projects, too. VERY unpopular opinion here, but franchises don't need to go on forever. Sometimes people just wanna work on something else and there's nothing wrong with that. We don't necessarily need a new entry because the games the devs left us will live on in our hearts and memories forever. Wario Land helped me through some tough times in my life and introduced me to many lifelong friends so I am forever grateful.

    Pizza Tower and Antonblast carry on that legacy by being heavily inspired by Wario Land, and their fans will be a whole new generation that love the ideas that Wario Land inspired. I'm content with that. If it does come back, I'll be happy of course, but I think Wario Land is done with new entries. I will always cherish the characters we got and the time I spent (and will continue to spend) with those games.
    Yellow Pyoro
    Yellow Pyoro
    I’m shocked how many people are saying that it will never return. It’s not like it’s a game where it’s legal rights are owned by some other company. It might not be anytime soon, but it will return one day. It could also be like decades of more waiting. Games like Donkey Kong Country had new entries from Retro Studios 14 years after the DKC3. All Nintendo has to do is give it someone to make it, whether it’s inside Nintendo or outside.
    I liked Wario Land because every input, level, and mechanics were well thought out. You can ask for too much and get multiple less-developed games, or ask for less and get a glimpse of hope a new game that checks all the boxes of the previous ones. It's weird to imagine that every Wario Land game has a variation. Same with Ware. But it takes risks because Wario Land would need to be different, or a soft reboot. However, I don't think the fans are too vocal about it. What would make a good Wario game when you have loads of material to look through? I like Wario, but the retro market has so much Wario, that making a new one would be on the same level as Crash 4. Wario could go 3D and function like 2D, but it's more of a risk it's not Wario World 2. Would he play like in SM64DS? I want Wario Land to keep existing, but I'm fine with the series staying retro.
    I got with a girl recently and everything has been going alright but I just feel like I'm starting to lose a little bit of interest in her because I don't have as strong of an emotional connection with her because we do not share a lot of interests among other things. I'm still myself around her of course and we never fight but I just feel like I'm losing a little bit of the spark, so I was a little conflicted but after yesterday even more so. I ran into one of my old friends who will be leaving to go to Texas to teach and I forgot just how cool she is and I almost feel like she might like me too, but obviously if I were to reach out to her and get her number, chat a lot, that would not be good because I'm with someone and it would obviously look bad. I'm trying to resist trying to reach out to her so much but this is so hard because her and I have interests and I like talking to her, while I feel like I'm losing a connection with my current gf. I feel so awful now, I was not thinking about anyone else until yesterday when I saw that other girl again and I have no idea what to do because a part of me wonders if I should continue being with someone right now or not... I just wanna reach out to that other girl so bad, I feel like I'm not getting certain things from my current relationship, but I shouldn't do that because that would be bad. I just feel like I'm losing the spark in my current relationship and I hate it so much, I feel trapped and almost want to cry...
    • Sad
    Reactions: Baker Man
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    maybe tell your gf,she might understand
    I'm working things out with a counselor, I am gonna make sure to prioritize my happiness and see what happens.
    Hyped for tomorrow's Direct... this could quite possibly be our first real look at Wario's new voice actor if we get more info on the new game!!
    • Informative
    Reactions: Yellow Pyoro
    wow, i didn't even know there was a new direct coming! i can't wait to see more Wario...MUST HAVE MORE WARIOS
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    it'll probably be like SMBW where you have to see in the credits
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