Yellow Pyoro
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  • This is just an observation. If you have someone draw Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi from memory, they will get the most details off with Wario.
    I can see it. He's so expressive full of detail and personality.
    This is weird decision by Yacht Club Games, but they are making a special edition of the first Shovel Knight campaign. This is kind of Wario related, because King Knight has to be one of the 20 playable characters.
    We might not have Wario Land, but at least we still get WarioWare games. Donkey Kong fans have been itching for a new mainline DK game (I know Mario vs DK remake came out recently)
    Going to pick up the Super Mario RPG remake tomorrow. It's the game I'm most looking forward to this year.
    Wario's Woods is fun, but trying to beat it is hard.
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    I've never played the nes one but the snes one is a great game. Only the regular levels get very annoying when you have to boom a monster twice in quick succession and then they wanna stack that with diagonal matches only
    I'm playing WarioWare: Gold again. There's still a lot of collectibles I haven't unlocked yet. I also started playing Shantae: Risky's Revenge yesterday.
    I wish Nintendo would put Wario in Mario's platforming games. Rosalina was playable in 3D World and Daisy is going to be playable in Wonder, so maybe there's hope.
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    maybe like funky in the switch version of tropical freeze where his playstyle is very different from the rest, and it could hopefully revive wario land
    How do you insert a poll into a forum post?
    When creating a thread, next to the title, change the thread type to Poll
    Yellow Pyoro
    Yellow Pyoro

    How do I start adding poll answers after that?
    Actually, it looks like that feature may be broken right now. @CM30 can you chime in on this?
    As Wario fans, we need to remind the world that Wario is taller than Mario.
    • Agree
    Reactions: DabbitDaMips
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    I't true; it's all just an optical illusion that made people think Wario is short while he's actually quite tall.
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    "Wario is actually not as short as he appears. He appears much wider than others and he's taller than Mario. In fact, Wario is as tall as Luigi regardless of his stout appearance, but he is still shorter than others such as Peach and Waluigi." - Yoshi Wiki
    The powers that be work everyday to make Wario smaller. The powers of evil.

    Behold Prime Wario.

    Unknown factario; Wario is actually as big as his rage and contempt for Mario. Now that him and Mario have made peace he's been significantly deflated and lost most of his motivations in life thus becoming fatter and shorter as a result of a loss of meaning. The vegitative lifestyle of burgers, pizza, and gelato coupled with couch potatoing it and no more adventurs have further served to compress our heroes spine.

    Proof: first panel wario is completely pissed at mario and he's fukken huge. Second panel shown wario is still being bullied by mario who while appealing to wario's machismo and calming his rage is still significantly larger due to his indignation. HOWEVER in the Third panel we see Wario trying to let bygones be bygones and he's suddenly deflated to the size of a luigi.
    shout out to Just A Wario Fan for teaching me to spoilerz B)
    There's a video that came out 2 weeks ago about a guy sending Nintendo a letter asking about Wario Land and they sent him a Wario/Bowser bookmark.
    Someone in a discord wanted to talk to Nintendo so I showed them that video and they are still waiting for a response but fingers crossed.
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