Wario Forums

Who's the guy next living in a gorgeous castle? You better learn my name cause it's a me! WAHRIO!!!! He knows the darkest places and can find the meanest treasures! You might have the money that I seek! Don't let yourself be fooled by his foolish demeanor! You should praise the all great WAHRIO!!!!! He doesn't rescue princesses and he never helps a soul! Who has time for goody things like that? Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! He can rule the world and still finish all his garlic! Everyone knows that i'm the greatest! WAHRIO!!!!!!!!! You better watch your step, or he'll punch you down to a boil! I turn Mario's world into mine! I'm a slave to my greed, and yes it's true, I don't have as many friends as you, but I think you're nice and maybe we could be friends.....NAH WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT!? Who's the guy next door living in a gorgeous castle? You'd better learn my name cause it's a me WAHRIO!!!!! Just remember this when you see him on the street, i'm the greediest guy you'll ever meet! I'm the greediest guy you'll ever meet!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man i'm such a stinker!
You mastermind.
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Just a Wario Fan
Just a Wario Fan
Damn, TB100, that are some nice lyrics!
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Boris Carloft's Car Loft
Boris Carloft's Car Loft
Who is this "WAHRIO" fellow you speak of, hum?