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  1. tahutoa

    his cameo consists of him flying down from who knows where with physics similar to the Mario 64...

    his cameo consists of him flying down from who knows where with physics similar to the Mario 64 long jump and crashing through one of those "knock down the bottle" carnival games, doing the "yahOOO" sound clip from when you slide down Shivering Mountain. It'd look something like this:
  2. tahutoa

    What inspired your user name?

    in 2007 when I was 7 years old, Webkinz was the new craze sweeping through my grade school and I wanted in on that (partly because the idea was freaking cool as shit-- basically anti-NFTs: they were real things that you owned that could then enter cyberspace). I was really into Bionicle-...
  3. tahutoa

    Share your Wario Land remixes/covers here!

    Yeah, that's exactly it. I can't really picture Yoshitomi getting fancy with it, save for maybe adding a big wobbly vibrato on everything to bring dizziness to mind.
  4. tahutoa

    Fan Content Share "This song but it sounds like a Wario stage" type remixes here!

    well, it's been a while :jermaWalk: still fuckin' got it
  5. tahutoa

    I have since found out that staying off Twitter has helped to combat this problem. Hope you can...

    I have since found out that staying off Twitter has helped to combat this problem. Hope you can find solutions for yours as well :-)
  6. tahutoa

    it is beyond stupid that my motivation to work on anything all but evaporates as soon as I'm...

    it is beyond stupid that my motivation to work on anything all but evaporates as soon as I'm done with school for the year. I want to work on my projects as I had been, but without having that "something I should be doing instead," my prior goof-off projects become "what I should be doing" and...
  7. tahutoa

    you guys...!! i'm so happy...!! I'm so completely beside myself. It's been almost twenty years...

    you guys...!! i'm so happy...!! I'm so completely beside myself. It's been almost twenty years since Pac-Man World 3. Not only is this a return of PMW, but it means I may finally get my PMW1 OST in high quality. I NEVER THOUGHT THAT DAY WOULD ARRIVE
  8. tahutoa

    POV: You are CM30. It is the year 2130. >A Wario Land title on the Nintendo Beat has been...

    POV: You are CM30. It is the year 2130. >A Wario Land title on the Nintendo Beat has been confirmed. >You have returned to Wario forums. >By now, the forum had run out of hydrogen and exploded, rapidly expanding into an incandescent void. Massive red clouds form the miasma SYRP-WL399. The...
  9. tahutoa

    Fan Content Create WarioWare DIY instruments Tier List

    So it's not an abbreviation, then? It's a word called "idem?" The Yoshi sound effect in Mario World is the Orchestra Hit sample with pitch bend on it. In Mario Paint, it's a new recording made from audio footage of Mario World.
  10. tahutoa

    Wario Land Switch

    No way is it going to be Wario. No way. I'm not foolish enough to entertain that thought.
  11. tahutoa

    Wario Related Dreams

    Had a dream about a new Wario Land game. It was sepia tone graphics but hi-res like VBWL's. The level I saw looked like a cobblestone dungeon. It had gameplay like WL1 and played like VB or II, but felt like Anton Blast because it wasn't official I think. There was an option for a second player...
  12. tahutoa

    Fan Content Create WarioWare DIY instruments Tier List

    I need to give it another look, see if I can figure out what the hell I'm doing in that game... at least to where I can unlock the music maker (if it's locked to start with, that is. I don't remember finding it when I first tried it out at Christmas)
  13. tahutoa

    Fan Content Create WarioWare DIY instruments Tier List

    SquishyPixelz has just created a Tier List for all the WarioWare DIY Music Maker instruments: :8bitwariodance: :8bitwariodance: I wish I could accurately tell which symbols meant what, because I'm certain I've heard...
  14. tahutoa

    I have just become the 2315th backer for Antonblast :pumpit:

    I have just become the 2315th backer for Antonblast :pumpit:
  15. tahutoa

    Fan Art!

    "I got" as in "received from an artist after they finished drawing it" or "someone said 'draw Ashley' for $125"
  16. tahutoa

    it's just a hexadecimal value. It'd translate to 0999, which checks out, because I know from...

    it's just a hexadecimal value. It'd translate to 0999, which checks out, because I know from past experience that 0996 is Drifting Away.
  17. tahutoa

    [MEDIA] come to think about it, it may actually be for one of the mini-games, like the...

    come to think about it, it may actually be for one of the mini-games, like the skateboard thing. but yeah i had made an FLP for it already, so I just exported it to mp3. Dynamics are kinda wild because I didn't do anything to it besides insert the proper instruments.
  18. tahutoa

    i'm trying to make a TXT that identifies some of the songs, and after that see if I can find a...

    i'm trying to make a TXT that identifies some of the songs, and after that see if I can find a way to extract a soundfont too! Even if it doesn't work though you can bet your bottom dollar I'm posting that son of a bitch as a Resource. :warioanger: GRAAAAH I'M SO PUMPED FOR THIS. I stumbled...
  19. tahutoa

    I've FINALLY found the means to GET MY HANDS ON INC.'S MIDIS!!! :woahalt: :woh:

    I've FINALLY found the means to GET MY HANDS ON INC.'S MIDIS!!! :woahalt: :woh:
  20. tahutoa

    Dark Mode

    Waaaat? No subdued yellow or purple in sight? :woahalt::woh:b-but, b-but, i th-th-thoutght the name shades of grey was exageraring!! How can I tell I am on the Wario forum and not the 3DS Black Theme forum now? where am i!! aaaargh!