Search results

  1. I.M.Gibbon

    Could WarioWare make a pretty good TV series?

    I can see it working as a sort of Azumanga Daioh sort of thing, with several short sketches in a given episode. They could use the microgames as transitions between sketches.
  2. I.M.Gibbon

    Characters and enemies you want to see return?

    I always thought that guy was the same as the mad scientist from WL3/DrMario64, but apparently he's from For The Frog the Bell Tolls. Though I guess that doesn't rule out him still being the same guy. But yeah, I want to see Rudy and Captain Syrup's crew back, as well as the Princess from WL4...
  3. I.M.Gibbon

    Rudy - Wario's Bowser?

    Given Rudy's appearance in Dr Mario 64, and how it was presented in such a way that the player is assumed to know who he is, does anyone else think they were trying to set Rudy up as Wario's Bowser character? It would be interesting to see how that would have played out over the years. I can...
  4. I.M.Gibbon

    Foreman Spike

    Anyone else wish they'd bring this guy back? I wouldn't even mind it if he was sort of like the Wario series' Cranky Kong, except instead of old and hunched over, he's just gotten more muscular and hard-ass with age. I could totally see him as Wario's badass grandpa or uncle or something similar.
  5. I.M.Gibbon

    Super Smash Bros 4 and Wario; What We Know

    I just don't understand why they gave him the moves they did. He had a ready made Smash moveset. Ground Pound, Shoulder Rush, Headbut Rush, Throw Rock, etc, with something like Garlic Clove for Final Smash to make him SML2-end-boss sized. Would have been great. Instead we got.... that.
  6. I.M.Gibbon

    Should Wario Appear in The M&L RPGs?

    I think Wario should have his own RPG. Mario sort of has his own rpg style now, that is played upon in two different series, and I think they should come up with something to make a Wario RPG distinct and its own entity should they ever go the route of giving him one.
  7. I.M.Gibbon

    Poll Dr Mario 64 - Best Cameo game?

    Honestly, this game should have been Dr Wario. Mario's not really even the main character of the story, he just assumes Wario's up to no good and gets in his way while Wario attempts to foil Rudy. It was nice seeing WL3 stuff branch over into a spinoff, and gave a sense that Wario's individual...
  8. I.M.Gibbon

    Poll Best Wario Land villain?

    Yeah, Rudy and Syrup are probably the best 2, and that's most likely because they got covered in more than one game, and thus were given more fleshing out.
  9. I.M.Gibbon

    Poll Which of the three Wario Land 4 'sequels' was best?

    As Mario Wiki points out, Shake It! Follows the basic WL4 formula while reintroducing classic Wario Land characters and concepts. Wario World seemed a decent attempt at bringing Wario to 3D platforming, but was bogged down by including WarioWare stuff in it. And Master of Disguise is the only...
  10. I.M.Gibbon

    What happened to Wario's Castle?

    My guess? He just got bored. He seems like the type of person who'd revel in his wealth for a while and then go look for more. He's probably got a flat in the city for the sake of convenience. And it's probably a cheap flat because he's a tight-ass :P
  11. I.M.Gibbon

    Howdy all

    Hopping on over from the DK forums to say hello! Nice to see a Wario community for a change. The virtual boy Wario Land was the game that hooked me on the possibilities of games and started me on the long road that has ended with me being a professional game dev in the Seattle area. I have a...