Search results

  1. NacklesK

    Emulation vs. real hardware

    What I'm actually asking here in what circumstances will prefer emulation and how do you emulate games ? I know the last question may sound obvious. Of course, you'll be using an emulator but is there any specifics to it ? For example, do you exclusively use emulation on PC or tried emulating...
  2. NacklesK

    What franchise are you looking forward the most for the Swicth 2 ?

    I think I speak for basically everyone active here when I say I want a new Wario Land game. Or at the very least, a non-WarioWare Wario game. But I'm also very excited for a new Paper Mario game. With Nintendo seeming to try to go for a b coolder direction, I think ituld turn out awesome...
  3. NacklesK

    Favorite game from each Nintendo console ?

    Just post your favorite games from each Nintendo console. I'm not including remakes and remasters. Keep in mind I haven't played every game. NES : Super Mario Bros. SNES : Kirby Superstar Gameboy : Wario Land II Virtual Boy : VB Wario Land (who would've thought?)...
  4. NacklesK

    Underrated video games music ?

    Share any video game track you find to not be not talked about enough for how good it is. I'll start by saying that I love the Paper Mario Sticker Star OST and I think the only reason people don't talk about it is that it's Sticker Star. My favorite song from would probbaly be Decalburg, the...
  5. NacklesK

    What can a Switch 2 WarioWare look like ?

    So what with Switch 2 seemingly having no new gimmciks to use in a new WarioWare game. What do you think the new game may be if there is to be one ? I'd say they could do some kind of spin-off game like a DIY sequel. Or maybe a sort of remix of the WarioWare formula. They could also do a...
  6. NacklesK

    Least favorite 3D mainline Mairio game ?

    Kinda curious to see your opinion on them. Personally, I think I dislike Sunshine the most. It's not bad per say but it can be pretty janky at times which hinders the experience quite a bit. Honeslty, it feels like if Sega owned Mario during the 2000s, it quite literally has the jank of average...
  7. NacklesK

    So apparently a lost Paper Mario Sticker Star trailer was found.

    This was found about a month ago from what I could gather. I feel like it really has a Paper Mario 64 vibe to it. I played a lot of Sticker Star as a kid and it feels pretty cool to see this. Anyways, toughts ?
  8. NacklesK

    What's your opinion on the Nintendo Music app ?

    So, a few months ago Nintendo released this app which basically streams Nintendo music. Personally, I think it's a neat idea considering how Nintendo wants their IPs to be exclusive to them (a policy I totally understand and really like about them actually) but they really need to get more games...
  9. NacklesK

    Wario Tier Lists

    Just post Wario tier lists about anything Wario related ranked by which ever criteria you want. There's probably another thread like that was posted a few years ago but I'm making another because : A) To avoid necroposting B) Because I don't feel like looking for it Wario game ranking : Wario...
  10. NacklesK

    What would WarioWare on Wii U look like ?

    So in 2013, instead of getting a WarioWare game, we got Game & Wario and I'm pretty sure most people think it's a disappointing game. Now, let's imagine if they were to actually release a new WarioWare title. How would it play ? Obviously, it would utilize the gimmicks of the console but at the...
  11. NacklesK

    Any Wario ROM Hacks you played ?

    So I was just browsing the web when I stumbled upon this Wario Land 4 ROM Hacks called Burning Nightmare : So that got me thinking, is there a lot of ROM Hacks of Wario games you guys played and liked (either Wario Land or WarioWare) ? Personally, I never played any so maybe I was missing out...
  12. NacklesK

    If he is in, how would you like the Mario Movie Sequel to handle Wario ?

    So since the Sonic 3 Movie came out recently, it reminded me that we'll probably get a Mario Movie Sequel and fans seem to agree that Wario will probably be in it. Most people I've seen wants him to be the main antagonist with Waluigi but I don't if that would work. Maybe I'd prefer if Wario was...
  13. NacklesK

    The Wario Forums' Music Selection

    So, I've got an idea. I created a playlist on YouTube that will feature Wario Music. The way this'll work is that everyone will be able to add one or two tracks per day from the Wario series (Land, Ware or other) by naming the title of the music on this thread and I'll add it (I'll react with a...
  14. NacklesK

    Showcase your Mario collection (+ spin-offs)

    Originally I was gonna make a thread for the Wario collection but I figured doing a Mario one would allow for more variety. Post a picture of games you won physically (or just write a list if you can't be bothered), obviously don't count games obtained illegally. I still haven't removed the...
  15. NacklesK

    About the side characters in Wario games

    So, one thing I've notice about pretty much all Wario characters that isn't the main man himself is that they feel very underdevelopped. Usually games like these have very characteristic characters I wanna say. In Wario Land, characters characters kind exist for the sake of existing and in...
  16. NacklesK

    How was your 2024 ?

    So with 2024 coming to a close, I've decided to make a thread where people can talk about their expereinces during this year as well as conclusion to start 2025. Personally it was a lot of boredom and stressful minor inconveniences. I mean.. it's the first year I didn't enjoy my summer...
  17. NacklesK

    Fan Game Hey, that's a pretty cool WarioWare Scratch game !

    No, I am not talking about my fangame again but rather another WarioWare fangame by Sunnii_V made on Scratch that I found in a YT video. It's very polished for a Scratch game too ! I recommand you try it. Also, it's a collab. Here's the link to play it ...
  18. NacklesK

    What characters belong to the Mario Universe ?

    So, I've always had this question about the Mario universe and the characters that are in it because the Mario games have so many spin-offs that they themselves have spin-offs. I mean, I did a little diagram about the links between the different series and look at it : And we know for a...
  19. NacklesK

    Are we getting a non-Ware Wario game any time soon ?

    So before, we used two have to Wario series, Land and Ware. And we'd also get games that aren't tied to neither like Wario World or Wario's Woods if you wanna count that. But since 2008, the only Wario games we got were all WarioWare so... Do you think we may get another type of Wario game ? If...
  20. NacklesK

    Nackles' music covers

    Here, I'll be posting some music covers I made. I've just started messing with MIDIs so they may not all sound very good but I hope you'll enjoy some anyways : The Big Board - Wario Land 4 [Mega Drive Soundfont] Scrambled Egg Zone - Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (SMS/GG) [Mega Drive Soundfont]...