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  1. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Project still going on, here's an update :
  2. Blanchon

    Wario land 3 : Return to the music box (ROMHACK)

    I said 10 years on discord ssp, not 10 days. :doge: Complete playthrough by destroyer794 :
  3. Blanchon

    Wario land 3 : Return to the music box (ROMHACK)

    Link : Wario Land 3: Return to the Music Box - Google Drive
  4. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Not yet, i barely made 10% of the game lol. Plus I want to make a replacement for each boss in WL3, so this is gonna take a while.
  5. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Once again taking my sweet time, but here it is, Dollrambo in action ! Definitely easier to create than the shoot'em up boss, though i raged a lot when defining the parabolic trajectory of the cocktail molotov.
  6. Blanchon

    Wario Land 4 Parallel World is out & completed (v1.0)

    Oh yeah, he updated the hack and my post was giving the link to the first v1.0 version which is no more ... I'm changing it right now, thanks.
  7. Blanchon

    Wario Land 4 Parallel World is out & completed (v1.0)

    Beco finally did it, the first complete romhack of WL4 done using all the ressources available from the WL4 editor. Get the patch here : v1.02*
  8. Blanchon

    ROM Hack: Wario Land 3: The Master Quest!

    imagine doing 6 bounces on birds just to get hit by a silky at the end. :crazymkwario: (this section is cool though)
  9. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Ghidra came in handy. Enemy isn't completely finished, I need to give it different behaviours with other enemies and fix some stuff. Since it's a jungle and I make questionable decisions in life, next thing I'm doing is doll boy but with guns and flamethrower. :wariobomb:
  10. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Today I just understood how to use the registerexec/write vba functions. If I had understood them before I would have not wasted half my time creating ridiculously complex code for something I could have written in two lines ... This is going to speed up programming tremendously, combined with...
  11. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Thanks, though WL3 is finished from 2 decades and my hack is still not leaving the very first alpha stages while being based on WL3 lol. There's a long way to go till you could make comparisons.
  12. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    There's still some minor issues with his animations for the eye, but I'm glad you liked it It's Pizza Time. :)
  13. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Thank you again for the sharing CM30 ! :penguinbeer: Currently fixing my diagonal spring jump mod, which was based on an overcomplicated maptile detection in VRAM, when I could have just used the RAM adresses for his horizontal and vertical velocities (+collisions) lol.
  14. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    After months of headaches and rage-inducing programming, here it is :
  15. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Progress is being made on the shoot'em up section, made the animation for the portal where birds and boss will appear. I also crafted special ASM code to write on VRAM bank1 whenever I want, so I'm not limited to bank 0. Vba re-recording wouldn't let me write on bank 1, and I didn't want to go...
  16. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    I needed a specific visual effect for the appearance of my custom bird boss, but I couldn't find a way to do this solely with RAM edits. So I went into the ROM. :pumpit:
  17. Blanchon

    [Fan Content] Wario Land 2 - Remix

    Besides WL4, it's the first time a wario land game gets an almost complete playable hack (alternate paths aren't done yet). That's something we should celebrate. :penguinbeer:
  18. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Yes, only difference being with LUA scripting you don't need to store any value inside RAM and ROM for logic and various other purposes, because it's embedded onto the emulator, not the game itself. It means I can insert any new ressources I want without having to fear about the storage in ROM.
  19. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    As long as there are RAM adresses being read by the game to process something, and you can write onto them, the game is at your mercy. It's not always the case of course, but a lot of times it's not necessary to control absolutely anything the game does on a specific task because you can just go...
  20. Blanchon

    Wario Land 3 romhack with LUA flavour

    Seeing how he throws it, I'd say it's more a demonstration of power from his triceps. :dabs: