: 5/12/17
Page Cleanup
Poll Added
Sneak peek jobs removed
First Job added
Added Job tab under individual character sheets
Added new character Felix Coronadric
Added Inventory tab under individual character sheets
Added Coins under individual character sheets
Beta is now closed until the...
Anything you wanna post? Anything on your mind? Any news to post? Anything you're doing? Any crazy random goofy thing?
Then this thread is for you! This thread can be about anything! long as it doesn't already have a thread and/or you don't think it's good enough for its own thread, of...
blue says she's not cute!
cheesy eggs
dkwai is not a rassist
hex scout and kyon best friends forever
kyon's missing a piece of his brain
lobotomy is serious
metal is best husband
monaware is best squid monster
no more tags
off topic
on topic is okay too
pigmask is a retard haha gottem
pigmask was here hue
reianoid sucks eggs
stop adding tags guys
toki is best girl
who the fuck is mr. spoons
anime is real
anime was a mistake
dem cheeky tags tho.
did you really just mention harambe
fund pizza dinosaur
greed loves old people
i'm a burning ranger
metal is best husband
metal was a mistake
no more.
norwegian forest cat
pjparadox x hex scout
reianoid wasn't there
shark week