A quick word of advice for new members...


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Here at Wario Forums, our software has a spam filter to try and block bots from joining the community. To do this, said filter scans their first posts, and sends any that have links to third party sites off to our approval queue so a moderator can check them before they go live.

However, because of this, it's likely that any welcome thread with a link to DeviantArt, Tumblr or YouTube will end up caught in the same filter, and XenForo doesn't seem to have a way to whitelist domains for the spam filter.

So if you're new and planning to make a welcome topic, post at least once without any links in, and then include whatever links and images are relevant in your second post. That way, your welcome topic will go live immediately, and we'll be able to easily identify any follow up posts that ended up in the approval queue by reading it ourselves.


CM30 and the Wario Forums staff