About the side characters in Wario games


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Diamond City Insider
So, one thing I've notice about pretty much all Wario characters that isn't the main man himself is that they feel very underdevelopped. Usually games like these have very characteristic characters I wanna say. In Wario Land, characters characters kind exist for the sake of existing and in WarioWare, they feel more like clichés more than anything really. That's also why I don't see a Wario character getting a place in a Mario Sports or Party game. I feel like making a Wario cartoon would solve this issue as it would allow have more characteristic personalities rather than just feeling like caracatures and tweak the personalities a bit to make them a bit for interesting for a show. But what do you guys think about them ? Is there any of them you like for a particular reason ?
Personally I don't see them as particularly less developed than side characters in the Mario series as a whole. What do we know about 99% of enemies and bosses personality wise? What about the baby characters or the spinoff only fodder?

Heck, even someone like Waluigi doesn't have that much of a personality in his canon appearances...
Personally I don't see them as particularly less developed than side characters in the Mario series as a whole. What do we know about 99% of enemies and bosses personality wise? What about the baby characters or the spinoff only fodder?

Heck, even someone like Waluigi doesn't have that much of a personality in his canon appearances...
Now that I think about it you are right, they don't really have significant lack of personality compared to other Mario franchise, most Mario characters don't talk while WarioWare characters do. The other Mario characters have as much personality as their mute status allows them to have but when you have characters that are fully voice acted, it appears as lacking.

And yeah, the bosses and enemies don't have much personality but I was refering more to main characters. I kinda view those as pawns more than anything really.
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I think CM30 put it best, Wario's whole franchise is still a Mario spinoff, and Mario games aren't really known for their characterization unless you dig really deep into a bunch of shit and make lots of speculations.
I do think there is a decent amount of characterization within the game's collectables as well as some of the websites. WarioWare isn't exactly a series that needs deep characters but if they wanted to do more with the characters I think there is some meat on these characters.