So... when will we get this Mona back?
The last time we saw her this way was in Smooth Moves for only a few secs and this is the best Mona outfit IMO.
I like the new Fujiko Mona tbqh
So... when will we get this Mona back?
The last time we saw her this way was in Smooth Moves for only a few secs and this is the best Mona outfit IMO.
It really does capture her personality and character.
Why didn't they just change it to Shaggy? Or is that still offensive? If so, does that mean they don't air Scooby Doo in britain?Fronk: Was originally called Shag, but this was changed after Mega Microgames because of its double meaning in British English.
Why didn't they just change it to Shaggy? Or is that still offensive? If so, does that mean they don't air Scooby Doo in britain?
My headcanon is that fronk is the name of the species and Shag/Shaggy is the name of that individual Fronk that 9-Volt had.
My headcanon is that fronk is the name of the species and Shag/Shaggy is the name of that individual Fronk that 9-Volt had.
Oh yeah, wouldn't want anyone to think THIS guy ->Maybe they thought people wouldn't take a character seriously...
It's a retcon. I don't think they made another pet Fronk character just for the hell of it. But in my head he's still Shag.WW Gold made it clear that 9-Volt's fronk is called Fronk, after his species. But it might be possible that Shag was not the Fronk we see in Gold, but another one. Fronk said he was old when he just turned 1, so they don't have a long lifespan.