Are the constant Ashley threads/icons/etc. really that much of a bother?

Sure, no problem! Does that mean we can make this about Ashley?
How many people even have Ashley icons in total? I know about people talking about Ashley a lot. But I can only name Myself (in which case, I change my icon often, either Ashley or somebody else.) a glowing guy and half Nintengasm (since it's Penny and Ashley.). Which makes 3, so not many people have Ashley icons. So Ashley icons are no problem, even if there was a lot it still wouldn't be a problem since Ashley's great for an icon.
is it too many Ashley threads than? I dunno, Ashley threads are the best place to be since their is a lot to talk about. Mostly, unless it's hating the character than it's not worth it.
Don't worry, BigMagma, nobody will judge ya. I can even arrange your Patience's funeral if you want, and you have my utmost support in prosecuting the killer. It is the greatest Patience I have ever known and damn right I will make sure it gets the respect it deserves.
fuck's sake, Kyon, stop being a fucking doyle.

Disagree all you want, derailing topics to suit your own preference (bordering on an agenda) is a selfish and shitty thing to do. There's more to this forum's core subject than Ashley, for christ's sake. Your ignorance regarding said source material would be forgiven if you merely inquired about it, but you don't help yourself by constantly trying to be provocative and trying to put the spotlight on irrelevant shit that has its own place on this forum. I don't go stinking up the Ware sections with ratkiddy suggestions that any of the Land characters I like should take center stage in the other series.

If you're not doing it on purpose, learn to empathise with people a little more. If you are, piss off.
Was this about my Ashley in Wario land idea in the goofy posts thing? is this what it's about? It's just a suggestion, not me shoving that down everyone's throats.
Well, I wasn't really joking. I'd love to see Ashley in Wario Land. Again, just a suggestion for a 2nd character to choose! nothing like "Nintendo! Put Ashley in Wario Land now!" It's also in the Random posts, meaning it's just an idea I had like an hour ago and wanted to share, but not with it's own thread like it's a must, just a small little idea...Small...little...idea.