First panel, the ign says "Assist & Fighters" and the bubble was "Wario..."
- Then he says "Huh?" and then "Ashley. What are you foing here?" and she's like "..."
Next panel: Wario says "...Your Trophy isn't here?" (something along those lines) and Waluigi's like "Whoa whoa! Ashely also came here now to participate as an Assist Trophu"
Then wario's like "[Waluigi's response] was very detailled" and Waluigi says something along the lines of "It was educaaaational" (can;t find an exactly translation for the two kanji tofether, but they both mean learning/knowledge, so perhaps put them together compounds the meaning or something)
Then Wario's like "Ohhhh (or maybe sweet talk; dunno). Ashley. Are you participating in order to help me?" (basically)
And then Ashley says "don't be self-important" as she zaps him. the end.