Favorite Let's Plays of the Wario Land series?

Because i love the Wario Land series so much, I have watched A LOT of let's plays of these games on youtube.
Here are some I'd like to share:

BladedLightning's LP of Wario Land 3
This was the first LP i ever watched in my life. I think I watched it when I was 13 or 14...
And of course, back then, i never understood the cursing and stuff... Yeah...
ALso, part 1 used to be called "Wacky Introduction".
And i was very young back then, and also kind of... Well, my comments annoyed the creator, and he blocked me :p

MegaFreak400's LP of Wario Land 2
A fun and interesting LP. Althought I haven't watched it in a long time, but I remember enjoying it.

Deeptunester did a Semi-Blind LP of Wario Land 2, a Blind LP of Wario Land 3, and a Semi-Blind LP of Wario Land 4.
Despite the LPs being a bit frustrating to watch at times, due to Deeptunster's stupidity or forgetfulness, all the LPs are entertaining and fun to watch

SirEldricIV's Blind LP of Wario Land 4 on Hard
SirEldricIV usually does LPs of Flash Games, but this LP was somebody's prize for some contest. Now, Eldric never played a Wario Land game before this, so he is completly Blind to the series. I dont remember how good the LP is, but I always love this guys commentary, so I'm sure I enjoyed it at least for the commentary

ParadiceGamer13 is currently doing a complete Blind series of all the games in the Super Mario Land / Wario Land series. He has already compelted Super Mario Land, Super Mario Land 2, Wario Land 1 and is currently is the process of doing Wario Land 2 (althought the first 2 videos of WL2 are in black in white, starting with part 3 they are in color).

And there are some more I have seen as well, but I can't remember/find them all, so I'll just leave it at this.

Have you guys watched Let's Plays of the Wario Land series? What LPs have you seen? Which ones are your favorites?
I have seen only one lets play from Wario Land 1. The Lonely Goomba played it, but it was a pilot and there are zero sequel videos. The Goomba also sounded depressed in that one. He is my favorite Wario loving youtuber though.
No, I never watched full let's plays of wario games.
Were you really so irritating that you got blocked? What did you do?
I dont remember doing anything bad. Maby i just posted a lot. I remember pointing out some flaws in his playthrought and commentary... Maby he didn't like it...
But i was a kid... kind of...
It may be just his fault then...
Well, i just looked throught my comments, and couldn't find any really bad comments. Maby i deleted them? I dont know, i dont remember...
He called me annoying and immature thought...

We're getting of topic thought :p
Oh, and I found ShyGuyXXL's comments on those videos :p
ShyGuy is everywhere on youtube :)