The story mode will force you to play as all characters at least once, not countingOr does the game force you to use all of them to complete the game ? I'm only interested in a few of them.
On your first playthrough the game will ask you to make a limited crew for each stages (3, then 4, then 5 for each screens of the map) and you'll always have to include whichever character is introduced in the stage you're playing. Once that stage is done you're not forced to use them again until
the final boss stage which has you play as every characters
I think it's one of the stronger installation in the series and the weekly Wario Cup leaderboards already make it my most-played entry. The lack of minigames (not microgames) is slightly dissapointing.Thanks. In all honesty, did you find the game good ? Had you any gripe with it ?