Wario Fan Supreme
One Peaceful Quiet Evening In The Mushroom Kingdom As Starlow Was Getting Ready For Bed.
Starlow: *Brushes Her Teeth As She Then Spits Grabs The Cup As She Then fills It with Water Drinks It Gurgles As She Then Spits It Out!* Hehe… Clean As A *Yawns Really Loudly* Oh My Excuse Me.*She Says As she then Blushes Red In Embarrassment* Guess That’s What I Get For Shopping Out A Lot With The Girls Heh.*She Than Turns The Light Off As she then Whistles To the song To A New Adventure!*
Starlow: *Who Is Now Wearing A NightCap On her head As She Then grabs Her Favorite Stuffed Penguin As She Then Turns The Lights In Her Room Off As She Then Floats Into Bed. As She then Grabbed Her Blanket And went off to Sleep…* *Snoring!*
Starlow: *She Says While Groaning As She Floats To The Phone.* *Yawns* *As she than Grabs It By using The Star from her Head To try and grab it.* *Grunts* *Grunts* Almost Got… !!! Ah HA! Got-*She kept Jiggling the Phone As the frustrated Star Spirit Tried To grab Her Phone.* Come On Please Just thi-
???: ChipStar Is That You?
Starlow: !!! *This Shocked the confused Star Spirit Despite Being Really Sleepy She Was Now Determined As Ever to Get That Phone! As she then thinks to Herself.* (Is That… No! It Can’t Be I Haven’t Heard Her Or Any Of Them For… *...* *She was then Teary-Eyed While trying to Hold Her Tears.* No Don’t Cry You Have To Be Strong YOU Are Strong! You Saved The Mushroom Kingdom By Stopping Fawf-
???: !!! UGH! Again!??? *She Than Floated Pretty Fast!*
Starlow: Fawful!*She Bragged With Pride As she than Blushed In Embarrassment As she Chuckles As she Then remarks by saying.* Although The Bros. & Bowser Did do Most Not If Not All Of The Work… (Especially Bowser!) Bu-But I Helped Too.)*She stopped At Her Thought As she then Looks At The Phone. *...* *She Then Closes Her Eyes As She took A Deep Breath In And Out. As She Says With Determination On her Face!* Alright, Let’s Do This.*She Confidently Floated Down As she reached To the Phone. *Ahem* This Is *Yawn* Starlow How May We- !!!*She Blushed Tomato Red!* Stardust! How May I Help You This Evening?* *She Then Started Cursing Under Her Breath!*
???: !!! ChipStar!!!? Is That You??? It’s Me Miniko Your Sister!
Starlow: !!! MINIKO!!? Sweet Golden Stars, I’ve Missed You SOOO Much!!! Hehe..*She Said While Giggling.* So, How Are You Doing Is Mom Doing Well How About Our Brothers Li-
Miniko: Woah Woah WOAH!!! Slow Down There CowGirl… Always Excitable As Ever Eh Li’l Sis?
Starlow: *She Blushed Red Again As She Sweat Dropped* Well You know Me Min Hehe…
Miniko: As For Our Family They Are Doing Pretty Well! Anyhoo, Sorry For Botherin’ Ya This Late At Night Sis I Hope We Didn’t Keep You Up All Night. Heh…
Starlow: What!??? PSH!!! Nononono… Don’t Be *Yawns Really Loudly* Ridiculous I’m Fine I-I Don’t Need Sleep He *Yawn* He…*She Giggles In Between Yawns*
Miniko: *...* *She Than Rolls Her Eyes As she Thinks Sarcastically.*(Yep Yep, Sure Little Sis Those Yawns Aren’t Proof Enough.) That’s… BANG!!!! Great Little… CRASH!!! Sis!*She Says As she Gritted Her Teeth In Annoyance And Anger.*
Starlow:? You Ok…? You Seem Pretty Grumpy Knowing You Min You Get Pretty Angry When You Don’t Get Enough Beauty Sleep So I’ll just hang Up the Phone An-
Miniko: NO Don’t PLEASE!!!*She Begged Her Younger Sister to Stay On The Line.*
Starlow: !!! *She Gulped In Fear As she then breathes In & Out Once More.* Hey Hey, It’s Gonna Be Ok I’m Here For You.*She Reassured Her As she than Adds.* Anyway, Who was That Min Making All That Noise…?*She Asked*
Miniko: *Sighs* I Was Afraid You were Gonna Ask Me That ChipStar.*She Says In Embarrassment as A Loud CRASH!!! Was Heard In The Background.* Hehe…*She Sweatdropped As she than Shouts Out By Saying.* LY, What Did I Told You About Smashing Those Plates!?*She Scolded The HyperActive Young Star Sprite.*
Lyra: What Plates…?*She Says Pretending To be Dumb.* I *Grunt Don’t Know What You- !!! (So Heavy!)*She Thinks To Herself As Due to How Heavy The Plate Or Plates She Was Carrying As She Couldn’t Carry Anymore As she than Trips As Then…* WOAH!!! *Bonk* Ow…*She Said Rubbing Her Head With Using The Small Tips From Her Star Using It As Fingers.* My Hea- !!! AH!!! Incoming!!!*She Said In Fear As She Flew As Fast As She Can Trying To Dodge The Falling Plates Above Her.*
Miniko: *...* *She Breathes In & Out As She then Mutters Under Her Breath Bitterly By Saying.* Welp, There Goes Those Plates I Was Planning For The Thanksgiving Party We were About To Have.*She Sighs In Frustration As She then Cleans All Of The Broken Expensive Plates That Lyra Dropped. As She was Still on the Phone Trying To Talk To Starlow…* Hey, Chip I Got A Proposition For Ya.*She Asks as she felt Someone Touching Her Back.*
Lyra: Momma?
Miniko: GAH!!!*She Then Jumped In Fear & Shocked As she Quickly Then Turns Around As she then Sighs In Relief As It Was Only Her Daughter As she then Says to Her As she Whispers…* Lyra Sweetie What did Mommy Tell You If I’m On the Phone?
Lyra: Mmm… I Remember Now! Wait Until Mommy’s Done Talking On The Phone?
Miniko: Bingo!*She Said As she Then Replies While Whispering.* Now, Go To Bed Lyra.
Lyra: *She Huffs In Frustration As she says to her Mother!* But Mom I’m Not Tired I Wanna Go Play Also Who Are You Talking To?
Miniko: (Talking To Lyra) It's 12:00 In The Morning It’s too early To Play Right Now You will Get To Play With Your Aunt Starlow Tomorrow Morning Ok?*She Than Floats Away As she continued Talking…* Sorry About The Noise Starlow It’s Just.*Her Voice Then Started To Echo As It Was Then Blurry For A few Seconds Before It Shows Lyra!*
Lyra: *...* *She Than Thinks to herself As she Wondered In Confusion.* (Aunt Starlow…? Mommy Never Told Me That I had An Aunt Before Hm… I Hope She’s Nice I Wonder If All Those Tales Were true about The Famed Blorb Incident & Those Other Adventures She Had With My Uncles. Hmph! I Gotta Act Really Brave And Confident When I first Meet Her I have to make A Very Good Impression, Of Course, You’re A Strong Blue Starry Trouper You Aren’t Afraid Of Anything!)
Lyra: AH!!!*She Yells In Fear As she Quickly Flies To Her Room As she Closes The Door Covers Herself Now In her Bed As she than Shivers In Fear Holding Her Luigi Plushie Really Tight As she than Says While trying to Hold her tears In.* Well, Anything But Lightning Mmm… *Sniff*
Miniko: I Just don’t Know What To Do With Her Sis That was The 60th Time This Week.*She Sighs.*
Starlow: *Her Eyes Widened!* 60 Times!!!? Geez, This Is Bad Listen You said Your Coming Tomorrow To Drop Her Off Right…?
Miniko: Yeah That’s Right.*She Said.*
Starlow: I’ll Keep A Good Eye On Her We Will have Lots Of fun Besides She’s A Kid What’s The Worst Thing that can Happen Anyway Min?
Miniko:*She Rolls Her Eyes As she then Muttered Under Her breath By Saying.* Lots Of Things ChipStar Lots!*She then breathes In And Out As she Continued Talking By Saying.* Well… If Your Sure Starlow I Just hope You Don’t Start Losing your temper Starlow And We know what happens when you Lose that Temper Of Yours Starlow.
Starlow: Heh, Yeah I Guess Yo- !!!*She Then Says Angrily!* Temper!??? What Are You Talking About I don’t Have a Tem- !!!*She Then Blushes Red In Embarrassment.* Hehehe… I See What You Mean Now When You Said Temper Sorry.
Miniko: It’s Fine ChipStar It Happens… That’s The Thing I’m Worried About That Temper Of Yours But If You are Sure In Keeping An Eye On Ly Well You Convinced Me I Trust You Can Take Care for Awhile Till I Get Back.
Starlow: Don’t Worry She’s Safe with Me! You Can count On Me Nice to hear from You Again Big Sis.*She Says with A Smile!*
Miniko: Me Too Little Sis Me Too! Good Night.
Starlow: Night Take Care And Rest Well.*She Then Hangs Up! As she puts her Phone Away Turns Off Her Light And then Goes to Sleep.*
The Next Day…
Starlow: *Yawns As she then Grabbed An Apple From the Fridge As she then takes A Bite From It As she then puts it back as she then grabs the Milk And Drinks it as she then closes the Fridge As she kept drinking her milk Until…*
Starlow: (Hm. I wonder Who That Is…?)*She Thinks To Herself As she then goes to the door as by the time she reaches it she finishes drinking Her Milk.* *Burps* *She Blushes Tomato Red As she then says In Embarrassment!* Woo! Excuse Me, Hehe… That was Some Really Good Milk The Stuff from Moo Moo Meadows Is SOO Much Better Then The Type Of Milk I Always Buy Back At My Old Home. Heh Yeah. *She Says Sadly As she went to the Door and Opens It.* *She Gasps In Excitement As she then Says!* MINIKO!!!
Miniko: STARLOW!!!*She Replied In Excitement As she Flies As fast as she can to Hug Her younger Sister.* I Missed You So Much!
Starlow: Me Too!*She Says As she Hugged Her Pretty Tight Aswell.* Hehe!
Lyra: *Ahem* Am I Interrupting Something Or…?
Miniko: !!!*She Then Blushes In Embarrassment as she says as she let’s go Of Starlow.* Right Right, Of Course! Heh Anyway, ChipStar This is My Daughter Lyra.*She then said to Her Daughter As she said to her.* Lyra This Is your Aunt Starlow You’ll be Staying with her For the Weekend Until I Get Back Ok?
Lyra: *She Then blushes In Embarrassment As she says shyly.* my name is lyra…
Starlow: What was that I couldn’t hear you you have to Speak Up.
Lyra: My N-Name is Lyra!*She Spoke Again but Alittle Louder.*
Starlow: There We Go! Nice to meet Ya… I’m Your Aunt Starlow! Hello Yellow!*She Introduced Herself… As She said to her Neice with A Smile.*
Lyra: N-Nice To meet ya Too Auntie Starlow!*She Says Happily As she flew Quickly Inside As she then flies past both her aunt & her Mother as she sat down lazily On the couch As she than Smacks her Lips.*
Miniko: Sweet Stars! My Little Girl Reminds Me Of Mom So Much.*She Says As she then Sweatdrops…*
Starlow: I Know!*She Says as she then Sweatdrops aswell.* *Sighs* She’s Always been So easygoing But Really Kind-Hearted And Sweet Bless her Heart.
Miniko: I know Good Times… *She Sighs as she floats to her Daughter as she then Says!* Ok, Lyra Honey I’m gonna leave So Behave Yourself While I’m gone Ok?
Lyra: Ok. Promise!*She Says Happily As she Kisses Her as she then goes on the couch saying!* Bye Mommy Love You.
Miniko: Bye Love You to Sweetie. Good Luck Starlow See Ya!*She Flies Away as she then Leaves.*
Starlow: Bye!*She Says As she then turns to her Niece As she then Says…* *Ahem* So What Are You Watching…?*She Asked!*
Lyra: I’m watching TV. Watching Cork The Star Commander! It’s My Favorite Show.*She Says but in A Bored Tone Of Voice!*
Starlow: Oh That’s Cool. So, How would you like to do Something Fun!?
Lyra: Fun???*She Says as she quickly Turns off the Tv. As she then Says Excitedly!* What Are We Gonna Do Auntie??? Are We gonna go to This Awesome Amusement Park Star World! Or The Playground Or Oooh Oooh! Maybe See Uncle Luigi Cuz I’m A Huge Fan Of him & Uncle Mario. So, What Are We Gonna Do!?
Starlow: I Knew You’d be interested. Let’s Go! To The Living Room.*She Says With Joy As she Floats There.*
Lyra: Oh Ok.*She Replies In Confusion As she Follows Her.*
Starlow: Alrighty! Tutorial Time!*She Says Happily* Come On Ly Now I’m Gonna Teach How Things Are Gonna Work Around Here Now That You’ll Be Staying with Me for The Weekend.
Lyra: *...* Hooray?*She Says In Confusion As she thinks to herself Sarcastically!* (Oh, My Favorite Part Tutorials. BAH!)
Starlow: Now Here Are The Rules You Have To Brush Your Teeth Every day Because You’ll Need to Have Nice Purely Whites like Mine See?*She Says To her Niece As she than Shows Off Her Nice clean Teeth!*
Lyra: Must Stay Awake And listen To *Yawn* Auntie Starlow’s Very Boring Lecture On Tutorials…*She Yawns Once More As she then Falls Right to Sleep!*
3 Hours Later.
Starlow: And that’s Basically The gist Of It Any Questions?*She Smiled!*
Lyra: *Snoring* *As she then Wakes Up As she then Said with A Yawn.* Mmm… Did You say Something Aunt Starlow?*She Asked*
Starlow: HMPH! Were You Listening To Me At All?*She Sighs In Frustration While Adding!* You & Your Uncle Have Alot In Common.*She Says*
Lyra: Like What?
Starlow: That You & You’re Cowardly Green Uncle Are Both Snoozefests!*She Remarks.*
Lyra: Hey! That’s Not very ICE Of You Aunt Starlow.*Rimshots.*
Starlow: *Sighs* *She Says As she then Rolls Her Eyes.*
Lyra: GROWL!!!!*She Blushes Bright Blue In Embarrassment!* Hehe… Sorry, That’s My Tummy!
Starlow: Hungry Huh No Problem.*She Says Happily as she then flies Pretty Fast To The Kitchen As she then Says.* So, What Do ya to Eat Ly?*She Says!* Do You Want some Pancakes!?*She Asked*
Lyra: Yep! I Want Pancakes And Bacon And Eggs And Burgers And…*She Then Keeps Listing Random Food That She Wants To Eat.*
Starlow: *She then Thinks to Herself While Making All Of the Foods that Lyra just Mentioned.* (For the Sake Of The Stars How Much Food Does That Kid Need?)*She Remarks As she Then Brings Out All Of The Food that She Mentioned.* Here’s All Of the *Pant* Food That You Wanted. Man This Is Heavy!*She Says as she then slams The Plate Down! As she then Looks At Lyra In Confusion as she then looks at her as she then Asks.* Ly, Who are You?
Lyra: Shh!*She Replies As she then Whispers to Her Aunt.* I’m on the Phone Auntie.
Starlow: Oh Right Heh… Sorry!*She Responded As she Blushes Red In Embarrassment!* (Wow, I guess My Advice Really Paid Off Heh Heh.) *She then Floats Away Joyfully.*
Lyra: *Still talking on the Phone.* Hello, Yeah This is Lyra Do you Got the Order I Asked For?
Luma: Yup! Two Starry Kids Meals With A Toy Got It! Coming Right Up!*He Said as he Hangs up the Phone.*
Lyra: Hooray!*She Says With Joy As she Begins to Fly Around the Room With Joy As Then…* GRRRROWLLL!!!*Her Stomach Then Growled Loudly.* As she then says to her Stomach As she then Whispers.* SHH! Aunt Starlow is gonna Hear Us So your gonna Have to be Patient Until Our Food Comes So Please Wait!*She Scolded Her Belly!*
Lyra:*She then Blushes Blue In Embarrassment .* *As she then sees Starlow with the Food She Has Made.* Oh, Hi Auntie Starlow Whatcha Got There Aunt Starlow?*She Asks Her As she then Tilts Her Head with her Star Along too In the Process!*
Starlow: *She Than Chuckles As she then Says to her Neice.* Your Food That I Worked Hard On Duh! Hehe! Silly Girl!*She Says As she was about to Give It to her Until.*
Lyra: No Thanks Aunt Starlow.*She Says As she then Adds!* Besides, I Already Have Food Coming Here Anyway So… DING DONG! Speak Of the Star Spirits.*She Says As she Opens The Door.*
Rosalina: Hello, My Name Is… !!! WOAH!:O*She Said As The Blue HyperActive As She Then Sees the Blue Star Spirited Child! As she then grabs her food. As she quickly says As she then flies back inside.*
Lyra: Hi Aunt Rosie Bye Aunt Rosie!*She Says pretty Quickly before Going back Inside!*
Rosalina: *...*
Starlow: *...* *She then Sweatdrops As she then Says.* Hehe. H-Hello Yellow Rosalina This Was For Lyra?*She Asks*
Rosalina: Yup! Pretty Much.*She Says Calmly As she then Adds.* Here Ya Go!*She Gives It to Her!*
Starlow: Heh, Thanks. Misstress!*She Blushes Red Alittle Before Asking her A Question.* *Ahem* Misstress Of The Stars?
Rosalina: Hm?*She Rose A Brow.*
Starlow: Do you Think Lik-*She than Turns Away Now Fully Red In Embarrassment As She then Quickly flies to A Tree. As she then Hides behind It!*
Rosalina: *Sighs* Starlow, Please Come Here.*She Calls her Calmy As she then Walked To A Bench As She Than Takes Seat On It As she waited For The Somewhat Depressed Star Spirit As she then Floated To Motherly Starry Master As she than Sat down Next To Her.* Now, Chip Tell Your Misstress On What’s Bothering You?
Starlow: Well… I-It’s Just That After All Of the Adventures That Me An’ The Boys Been Through It’s Just I Wanna Make Amends After Taking Care My Speedy Blue Neice The LyAnator.*She Then takes A couple of Photos from her Huge Big Star As she shows them to StarMom!*
Rosalina: *She then takes the photos As She Then began to Smirk.* (SWEET STARVUS!!! That Is One Huge Ass Starryful Family.) Wow, I’m Impressed Nice Job Chips!*She Then gives her A Thumbs Up As she then SweatDrops.*
Starlow: You DO Believe Me Don’tcha Misstress?*She Said.*
Rosalina: Believe you In…? What? Yes, No. In between Come On Eh!? This Star Ain’t Gettin’ Younger Ehh?*She says As she then Shrugs as she then Chuckles As she than Adds…* Tch, You Young Stars Are Soo Crazy With These Ideas Ya’ll Have Hehe.*She says as she continued to Laugh As she then Begins to Drink her Coffee.*
Starlow: *She Rolls her Eyes* Oh! Did “Retro Daisy” Tell you That Oh yeah Like that Story ya Told Us Misstress Pfft. Like That’s Gonna Be Remembered For like A year Or A Decade or So Phhbt.*She Says As she Blew A Rasberry At Her.*
Rosalina: !!! *She than stops drinking as she then says Angerliy Now feeling Somewhat Offended.* YOU!*She quickly breaths in and Out As she gulps some of her Coffee down her throat As she continues.* You Of All People shouldn’t say things like That! *She then stands Up before scolding Her.* Besides, Retro D was A tough Gal To beat down but we pulled Though We needed Eachother It wouldn’t be nearly as fun withou-*She was then Ignored by Chippy’s HUGE Star blocking Rosie’s Face who was trying to Warn the Arrogant Star Sprit but to No Avail.*
Starlow: *She then Sings A MadeUp Song As she kept flying she got really close to Rosie’s face As she flies Around and Around with Rosalina’s Eyes trying to keep track of the Cheeky Star Spirit As she then Sang.* Grand Stars are for Oldies Ha Ha Ha! Grand Stars Are Fo-
Rosalina: *She Then Smirks Devilshliy As she then says calmly.* Grand Stars are for Oldies Hm?*She Said Mischiviously as she then puts the Dizzying Star Spirit in her Mouth as she then plays around with her A bit as she then thinks to herself.*(Huh, Never realized that she tastes like Vanilla for some odd reason.)
Starlow: Bleh! Where Am I? Why is it So Dark in Here…? More importantly, why does it smell like Cof- !!! I’M IN ROSIE’S MOUTH!??? I’m Gettin’ Outta Here!*She then bites her Tongue as Then…*
Rosalina: !!! OW! My Tongue!*She says as she then spits Starlow Out.*
Starlow: Bleh! Don’t want to relive That All Over Again. Anyway, Rosie Gotta Go Me An’ Ly Are Having Tons Of Fun!*She Said as she Flew Right Back Inside.*
Rosalina:*She Smirks As she then Rolls Her Eyes As she then Leaves.*
Starlow: Lyra? *She says As she Closed the Door.* It’s Time To Listen An-*She then saw Lyra Jumping Up & Down On The Couch.*
Lyra: Hey! BOING Aunt BOING Starlow?*She Says with Joy as she keeps Jumping Up And Down.*
Starlow: Yes?
Lyra: I wanna Play Hide “N” Go Seek With You.
Starlow: But…*She was then Cut Off by Her Niece.*
Lyra: Please Auntie?*She Makes her Eyes Even Cuter Then Usual.*
Starlow: (Soo Adorable!)*She Thought to Herself As she then Sighs as she smiled before Saying* Oh Alright.
Lyra: *She Gasps In Excitement As she Begun Jumping Up & Down In Joy.* Hoo BOING Ray!
Starlow:*She Smiles at the Young Child’s Joy.*
Somewhere In Starlow’s Backyard
Lyra: Come On Auntie Let’s Play!*She then Goes to A Tree As she then Begins to Count.* 1… 2… 3…
Starlow: Where to Hide Where t- Ah HA!*She Then Quickly Hides Behind A Random Tree!* (Hehe! She’ll Never Find Me Here.)*She thinks to Herself.*
Lyra: 45678910 Anyway… Ready Or Not Here I Come.*She then Begins Her Search.*
Lyra: Auntie?*She says as she looks through The Bushes And the Trees.* Hm?*She then Noticed A Yellow “Thing” behind The Tree As she then Checks It.* Found You Aunt Starlow.*She Giggles*
Starlow: !!! How Did You Find Me?*She Asks Dumbfounded.*
Lyra: Your Star was In The Way That’s how I Found You, Auntie.*She Said with A Smile as she Says…* My Turn!*She then Begun Finding A Place Good Enough To Hide.*
Starlow: One Two…
Lyra: Hmm… Now Where to Ah HA! I’ll hide In This Bush Genius!*She says as she then Does So!* *Yawns* All This Flying Sure Made Me Tired I Think I’ll take Alittle Nap!*She Says As she then falls Asleep.*
Starlow: Nine Ten! Ready Or Not Here I…*She then Hears Snoring.* Who is that Sleeping?*She then Flies to the Same Bush where her Neice was Hiding At.* Ohh…*She Whispers as she then Carries Her Back Inside.*
Starlow:*She then Puts her Neice On the Couch as she then Covers her Up With A Blanket With Mushrooms On It.* Night Ly.*She then Kisses Lyra’s Forehead…**She then Flies Up to her Room As she then Says to herself Quietly…* Maybe We will talk Tutorial Lingo in th-*She then makes A HUGE Yawn!* Ooof! Pardon Me. In the Morning.*Closes Door.*
The Next Day…
Lyra: *Who just woke up from A Nap as she Quietly Yawned as then she closed her Eyes for A Second as she than Magically Poofs Away Only for to reveal Her Fairy Form as she Winked As she Said Joyfully to The Audience.* TADA! Ya Like My New Dress? Designed It All By myself Right Before I Got Here. Also, *She then Quickly Moves her Eyes Left & Right As just Then…* SHING!!!! Sparkle-Sparkle.*She was Holding A Yellow Credit-Card As she then Said With Confidence And Smugness to her Fans As she tells them.* Didn’t think I have this Little Baby.*Smooches On The Card as she Explains…* This is Auntie Starlow’s, Credit Card! Now here is how I *Giggles Nervously* Found Out How…
Earlier That Night…
Starlow: *Who was Fast Asleep Holdin’ Two Adorable Mario & Luigi Plushes! As To A New Adventure Plays throughout the Night.*
Lyra: *Who is wearing An Orange Criminal Mask as she then Quickly Poofs Up A Couple of Pieces of Paper as she then Grabs her Explains Her Plan.* *Sighs* Ok, This Misson Maybe Tough But It’s Worth A Shot.*She Continued to Whisper Since her Aunt was Fast Asleep!* First: Get Sneaky! Dodge & Avoid any Obstacle that might be Diffa- BANG! Oww…*She Rubbed her head for A Second as she Said.* My Head! MotherTrucker…*She than looks up in Fear as she says in Shock!* HOLY SH*TBalls… Auntie Starlow’s Famed Portrait of Herself & Uncle Dreambert I gotta get that Photo before she Wakes Up Fast!*She then Poofed Up A Couple of Gyms Equipment as she then Poofs Away Again only to get her Cell as she then calls Raccoon-Like Creatures As she says to her Dumpling’s.* Hello, My Starry Hijos How are ya Three Holding up the Fort While I’m At Our Auntie’s?*She Asked Sweetly…*
Starcoons: *Making Angry Raccoon Noises!*
Lyra: Woah Woah WOAH!!!! Slow your Roll Boys, Mama’s Coming!*She than Teleports.*
Somewhere At Lyra’s Treehouse…
Goldie: IT WAS YOU TWO!!! YOU STOLE IT!*He Said Angerliy*
Bluebell: *Teary-Eyed!* I-it wasn’t Me Honest!
Clover: It Wasn’t Me!*He tried to reason with Him.*
Goldie: Well, It Definitely Wasn’t Me!
Lyra: Woah Woah WOAH!!! Hold Up! Now, Tell Me what’s Going on Here?
Goldie: Mom, They stole the Cookies.
Both: But We Didn’t! Honest.
Lyra: *Flies to the Fridge as she then takes them Out.* You Mean These Cookies that were still in the Refrigerator the Whole Time?
Goldie: *...* Hehe… Whoops, Should've checked the fridge for those Cookies Eh Boys!?*He Sweatdrops!*
Both: *They both looked at eachother as they both nodded in Agreement as they then fight Each Other.*
Lyra: Break It Up!*She Separated Them As she Says.* Now, You Three Behave Maybe I’ll even take you to my Aunt’s Place.*She Said.*
All: *Raccons Sqeauls Happliy!*
Lyra: *Poofs back to Starlow’s House.* Auntie I’m Back!*She Smiled!*
Starlow: Great! Now We can back to Tu-
Lyra: Man I’m Starving! Hey Aunt Starlow Is it ok If We Order Something For Dinner?
Starlow: Uh… Yeah! Of Course What would you Like Me to Order?*She Asked her Neice.*
Lyra: I Don’t Know.*She Shrugs* We can use your card to Pay For It.*She Smiles Innocently!*
Starlow: Cool! I’ll Go Get My Debit-Card &... Wait A Sec How do you know About My Debit Card?*She glares at her In Concern.*
Lyra: Uhh… I Don’t Know Heh.*She Lied as A Halo then Appears Above her Head!* Later!*She Quickly Flies Away But Starlow stops her Just In the Nick Of Time.*
Starlow: Ah Ah Ah! Turn-Around.
Lyra: *She Does So!*
Starlow: ThankYou!*She than takes her Debit-Card as she Says…* I’m Gonna Be Right Back! Stay Right There.
Lyra: Ok Aunt Starlow.*She says Sadly.*
A few Minutes Later...
Starlow: I’m Back Got All the Money I got Back that You Stole. I ordered The Food So It’s Coming In A Few Minutes Ok?
Lyra: Ok. I’m sorry that I Stole your Card Auntie!*She Says With Sadness.*
Starlow: It’s Alright. Just Don’t Let it Happen Again.
Starlow: Coming!*She Said as she Opened The Door.*
Luma: Here’s your Chinese Order Ma’m!*He Gives It to Her.*
Starlow: Thanks! Have A Nice Day.
Luma: You Too!*He Closed The Door.*
Starlow: Food’s Here!
Lyra: Yay!*She Quickly Flies to the Kitchen.*
Starlow: (Remember Chips Breath An’ Out don’t Fight It Out.)*She thought to Herself as she Calmly Says.* *Ahem…*
Lyra: Hi! Bye!*She Quickly Grabs the Food Easily, Yes… Auntie??*She Asks Sweetly.*
Starlow: *Mutters Quietly.* STARDUST! Ok, Well i’m just Alittle Um…
Lyra: Freaked Out!???*She Turns Upside Down A Peg.*
Starlow: Uh, Y-eah Brb…*Sadly floated Away!*
Lyra: *Sighs.* *Thinking!* (Yeesh, Maybe A Young Child like Me can Chip Off the O’l Block!?) Ok!*Tear than Sheds…* *Quickly Poofs up her Own Debit-Card as she Quickly Paid for Rabbids In Time!(3DS) as she Begun to play her 3DS Silently.*
The Next Day…
Starlow: Ok, *Ahem…* *Listening to Some Mario Music!* (Wow, It really Is Catchy.) *She then makes Starry Flapjacks.*

The Next Day!
Starlow: Hey Ly!?*She Asked Sweetly.*
Lyra: Mm?*She Asks…*
Starlow: I Heard what ya you said About telling Me Earlier So…*She Plays Mischievous Music as she Says.* Pick A Card Any Card?
Lyra: *Gasps!* Oooh, *Stars than Appears from her Eyes.* Now we are Talkin’ *She than quickly Changes into A Witch Like Costume as she quickly shapeshifts into her Uncle Dreambert as her voice changes to mimic Somewhat Accurately to him as she clears her Throat as “He” then says Calmly…* Madame Aun… Er- Starlow would you like to live with me to Pi’illo Island and Go to my Bedroom and play with my… *She begins to Snicker while trying to hold in her Endless fits of Giggles as she Finally Said.* “Hotdog”*After tons of Tear Watering from Snickers & Giggles she couldn’t Hold it In Anymore.* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*She than Poofs back into her Fairy Form Once again as she then keeps on laughing as she flew right to her back and Landed perfectly to the floor As she Says while Laughing up A Storm!* Ohoho Man, I can’t BELIEVE T-That Auntie *Snicker* S-Starlow Literally Thought that I was U-Uncle… *Snickers* Uncle Dreambert AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Geez, I’m Killen’ It. I’m a Wild Starry Card I’m on my Starryful “A” Game! I’m…*She was then cut Off by her Aunt who was “Boiling” Red with Anger as she Scolds her Neice.*
Starlow: THAT WAS NOT FUNNY LYRA!!! UGH!!!!! *She Shook her Head Repeatedly as she Continued to Talk.* *Huffs!* You know one Of these Days… You-
Starlow: (Tea’s Done!) *She thought to Herself as she quickly flies to her Kitchen as she than turns off the Stove and then Drinks It.* *Gulping!* Ahh~ Much Better.*She says as she tried to Warn Her niece Ignores her Once More as she Says…*
Lyra: (Chewing on Some Snacks.) Yo, Auntie! Do ya mind Gettin’ some more Chow? Cuz, I'm bringing in My Animal Buddies for a Sleepover for tonight and We need to Stockup on Food. Hehe… Pretty Much!*She Sweatdrops.*
Starlow: *She then flies back to the Kitchen as she than Grabs the Handle on the Fridge to Open it and Finds out that it’s Completely Empty.* *Her eye then Twitches as she Slams the Fridge door Closed as she turns around giving her niece A Great Huge “Nice” Smile In Return as she Says!* O-Of Course, I think I’ll turn in for the Night *Fake Yawns* Hooboy Ain’t I tired Well uh Try to behave Goodnight and Yeah…*She sadly flew up to her room to try and get some Shuteye.*
Lyra: Night Aunt Starlow.*She Smiled as her smile than faded into Sadness as she then says Quietly!* Gee, I hope Aunt Starlow’s Ok I sense something Pretty bad is Gonna Happen.*She then Closed her Eyes to try to and get some Sleep.*
Starlow: *Quickly Poofs into her PJ’s Before Screaming In Anger & Rage!* AGRAHHH!!!!!*She kept screaming as she Muffles through her Pillow.* Just Why WHY! “Oh It’s Easy I said Raising Lyra Would be A piece Of Cake!” Well, *Chuckling to herself* Ya know What? I WAS WRONG!!!! I was Wrong Raising Her to see if I could try to Atleast try taking Care of Her While My Sister Is Away But Guess how that Turned Out An- *She Stopped herself as she Sighs and breathes In and Out…* Alright Starlow, might aswell Try to get A Goodnight Sleep Maybe Tomorrow we’ll be A Good Day I Hope.*She then Closed her Eyes as she Goes right to Sleep.*
The Next Day…
Starlow: No Stop Not that Please Don’t! AH! NOOO!*She Immediately Wakes Up as she then Pants…* Oh, It was just A Bad Dream! *Phew* *She than wipes off her Sweat As then…* GRROWLS!!! Mm. So Hungry!*She then rubs her belly.* I Wonder What’s in the Oh right No Food. Ugh!*She then puts on Some Clothes On and get’s A Bag as she then Flies downstairs Seeing Lyra and her Animal Friends doing Yoga.* Lyra?
Lyra: Yes Auntie?
Starlow: I’m gonna be going to Supermarket to get some Groceries so do you think I can trust you While I’m Away?
Lyra: Nope!*She said with A Smile.*
Starlow: *Sighs* (Well, Atleast she’s Honest.)*She thinks to herself!* Just try to behave and… Yeah.*She than flies out the Door as she then Closes It.*
Lyra: PARTY!!!!*She Shouted With Excitement as she then goes to her cell and calls People.*
Starcoons: *Happy Racoon Noises!*
Somewhere at the Supermarket…
Starlow: Geez, these past Couple of Days have taken A Toll on Me. I wonder If I have been hard On Lyra I get that She’s A Kid an’ All But Still She Is quite troublesome. I Have No Idea How My Sister has Been able to handle her for So Long!*She then grabs some Fruits & Veggies and Cereal.* And Finally the Milk I hope Ly’s Ok.*She said In Worry & Concern!*
All: CHUG CHUG CHUG!!!!*The Kids Cheered for Lyra!*
Lyra: *She Begun Drinking A Gallon of Orange Juice from A Barrel.*
Starlow: Ah, There’s the Milk!*She Says Happily as she Goes to the Cashier as she then Pays for the Groceries.* DING! *She gives her the Correct Amount to Pay for her Groceries.* Thankyou!*She then Leaves!*
Lyra: Mm… !!! I gotta Stop this Party before My Aunt Comes Back! Alright, Everyone Out!*She then Opens the Door as Everyone Leaves.* Thanks for Coming!*She Waves Goodbye as she Closes The Door.* Alright, Boys time to Cleanup!*She than Summons A Vacumun Cleaner As She and her Raccoon Friends Begin Cleaning Up!*
Starlow: Hey Blue Chip I’m… *She Gasps Happliy as she Continued.* Home!?? Wow! I’m Impressed Spick An’ *Sniff Sniff!* (Ok, Last time I checked I don’t remember My Pad Smellin’ Like Oranges.) *She then thinks to Herself…* But I also don’t remember The photos being al- HEY! What Happened to The House? Lyra Did you happen to have any Part Of This?*She Asks her Neice as she Raises A Brow!*
Lyra: Uhh… Nope! Totally not My Doing. Hehehe!*She Sweats Heavily!* Anyway that Tutorial thing ya said the Other Day L-Let’s Go!*She Said Reluctantly!*
Starlow: Huh.*She then Flies to the Other Room!* Alright, Today we are gonna talk about Tu-
Lyra: Aunt Starlow?
Starlow: Yes?
Lyra: Can I go to the *Ahem* “Laboratory”...

Starlow:*...* (Ohh Stardust I think Eye KNOW Where this Is Going)*She thinks as she rolls her eyes without A Care.* It’s by the Left can’t Miss It… *She Smiles!*
Lyra: ThankYou!*She says as she quickly rushes to the Bathroom!*
Several Hours Later…
Lyra: WOO! Man, Won’t be in there Ever Again It Reeks Damn! Let’s get some Chow I’m Starving Let’s get some Chow Aunt Starlow.*She then flies Outside.*
Starlow: *Confused* Wha? It can’t be that Bad.*She then quickly flies to the Bathroom as she then begins to take A Whiff…* !!! DEAR GOD!!! IT SMELLS HORRIBLE!!! How Long Was She In Their Oh Man! *She then started Coughing!* Geez, She wasn’t Messin’ That Scent Reeks! *Cough* Oh Man.
Back At Home…
Starlow: *Who Was carrying Some Logs As she Found her Match as she then throws it to the FirePlace.* *She then Shapeshited back to her Fairy Form As she then Says.* God, What A Day At least I get to relax for A Bit.* *Snoring!*
Lyra: Auntie I’m Hungry!*She Says As she Kept On Jumping on the Couch!*
Starlow: Welp, There Goes My Resting Time. *Sighs…* *Grabs Her Wallet And Gives Her Credit Card to Her Neice Until She Realized…* *Sighs!* Don’t Go Overboard with The Limit I don’t want to find out that All the dough Is Donzo Capice!?*She said as she Raises an Eyebrow!*
Lyra: Tch, Why Of Course I won’t Spend Anything Not Even A single cent Star’s Honor! *She then Crosses Her Fingers As she then puts them behind Her Back. With A Star Like Halo Above Her Head!*
Starlow: *She then Glares Closely To her Neice as If she’s Actually telling The Truth!*
Lyra: Hehehe… *Gulps!* *As her Heart Then starts Beating Quickly As she then Begins to Sweat Heavily!*
Starlow: *Sighs!* Ok, You Convinced Me Ly… *She Smiles Reluctly!* Just Trust Me That You Won’t go Over The Limit This Time?
Lyra: Like I said Star’s Honor! *She said with A Wink!*
Starlow: *She then Leaves As she closes the door Behind Her!*
Lyra: *She then Watches As her Aunt Leaves… The “Genuine” Smile On Her Face was then With A Mischievous & Evil Grin On Her Face As she Says with Pride!* FINALLY!!! Now That Aunt Snarklow Is Gone I Have Everything! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *As Just Then Lighting then Strikes!* AHHH LIGHTINING!!!!! *She then Quickly Flew to the Nearest Blanket She could Find.*
Somewhere Outside Of Starlow’s House!
Luigi: *Frustrated* GAH!!!! Why Isn’t It Working…? *He then starts to snap his hands Again Ah, There We Go! *Whistles As he Happily Walked Back Home.*
Lyra: Is-Is It Gone?*She wondered As she shivers in Fear.* *Sighs!* Phew! It’s All Gone She says In Reassurance.* Now, Time To Spend!*She Giggled Michivously!*
Meanwhile, As the Sun started to go down Starlow Began Flying Back Home!
Starlow: *Huff Puff! HUFF PUFF!!!* Man, I think I went Abit Overboard With The Groceries Hope Lyra Likes What I Have for Dessert After We Have Dinner! Alrighty! I Can Finally
Put these Down! *She than Puts the Grocery Bags Down!* POPS!!!! Man That Felt Good After Carrying these Bags All the way from the super Market! *She then Unlocks The Door She was Then Shocked At the Amount of Stuff there was In her House As she Exclaimed.* Why Are There So Many Pokemon Plushies In My… !!! UGH LYRA!!!*She says Angerliy.*
Lyra: O-Oh Hehehehe… Hi Auntie… Wait! It’s Not What It Looks Like…*She Says Trying to Defend Herself!*
Starlow: Oh Really!??? Then Why does say on My Phone The Amount Of Stuff & Other Crap That You Bought?*She Asks her Neice in Frustration.*
Lyra: Well… I Umm About That…*She then rubs the back of her Hair.*
Starlow: HMPH! That’s What I Thought *Sighs…* Nevermind I’ll Get The Money By working on My Art. Hey, Aren’t You Leaving Tomorrow Ly?
Lyra: Yeah I Am! I Didn’t Know You're An Artist Aunt Starlow…*She Says In Amazement!*
Starlow: Heh, Yeah! Had To Help Out Our Family Somehow How About I Show You One.
Lyra: Sure!*She Said As she follows Her.*
Starlow: And Here We Are! Well… What do You Think?
Lyra: WOW! This Is Amazing You Made All Of This?*She Asked As She Flies Around Looking At The Amazing Artwork That Her Aunt Made.*
Starlow: Yep All By Me! Here’s A Drawing I Made When I was with the Bros. On Pi'illo Island! *She then Takes Away The Sheet!* TADA!
Lyra: Wow! This Is Soo Cool! It’s You Uncle Luigi, & Uncle Mario! You did All Of This When You Were There?
Starkow: Uh Huh! We Gotta Chance to take Breaks On our Trip So I got to Work Making Art While we were there I Think I’ll Give it to The Bros. When I See Them Again!*She says With A Smile.*
Lyra: Neato! Hey, I Got An Idea I was wondering If You can take me to the Dream World I Wanna Be A Solid Fighter Like My Uncles & Go On Amazing Adventures Like You Do!
Starlow: Wow Is That So! (Aww I Love That Courage & Sprit She Has Kinda Reminds Me Of How I Was When I went to The Mushroom Kingdom for The First Time I was So Nervous.) *She thought To Herself!* Alright! I’ll Do It I’ll teach Ya What I Know!*She Says With Confidence!*
Lyra: Really!??? Hooray!!!*She says With Excitement & Joy!*
Starlow: Alright! Pillow, Check! Blankets, Check! PJ’s & Teeth Brushed?
Lyra: Check!*She said Happily!*
Starlow: Alrighty! Let’s Get Started!*She Sets A Pillow Down As She then Falls Asleep Just Then A Portal Opens Up!*
Lyra: This Is Going to Be So Awsome!*As she then Jumped In!*
Lyra: Wowie Zowie! So, This Is what My Aunt Dreams About. Time To Find Her.*She Says As she Looks for Her.*
Starlow: What Better to Be In A DreamWorld Then Your Childhood Treehouse Ever since Me & Min Were Kids.
Lyra: Auntie Are you Around Here?
Starlow: Up Here! I’m Coming Down!
Starlow: Alright Time for Training!
Lyra: WOOHOOO!!!
-Battle Start-
Fight For The Stars!
Lyra: My First Ever Battle This Is Gonna Be Awsome.*She then Hits The Jump Icon!* *As she then Does A Double Jump To Starlow!*
Starlow: Ooof… Great Job Lyra. *She says supporting her niece. As she then Attacks Her.*
Lyra: *She Then Presses The Jump Button! As she then jumped on her Aunt.*
Lyra: Yay! I Won!*She Cheers!*
Starlow: *Huff* *Huff* Man, You are quite the Fighter. Heh, I Think You'll be An Awsome Hero Just Like Me And Your Uncles.*She Said with A Smile.*
Lyra: *Gasp* You really think So?*She Asks In Amazement.*
Starlow: I Know So!*She says…*
Lyra: *She Then Goes To The Portal As she Then Leaves.*
Starlow: *Yawn!* Nice to Get A Good Sleep Nowadays. Damn! It's Almost 8:00 Min's Gonna be Here In A few Minutes… *She Packs Everything that her Neice needs before she Leaves.*
Lyra: Hey Auntie?
Starlow: Yeah Ly?*She says As she puts her Backpack on Lyra.*
Lyra: It was really fun spending time with You Hope We get to spend more time together In the Future. *She says with A Smile.*
Starlow: Heh, Me to Kiddo! *She said with A Chuckle.*
The door then Opens…
Lyra: Mama!*She says with Joy As she quickly flies to Her.*
Miniko: Oof! Hey Sweetheart How was it Being with your Aunt while I Was Away?
Lyra: It Was really Fun! We ate food Played Games, And painted lots of Artwork together it was super Fun Mommy!*She says with Joy.*
Miniko: I'm glad Sweetie… Hopefully, She wasn't that much Trouble Sis.*She sweatdropped.*
Starlow: Don't worry Sis She wasn't that much trouble at all. It was really fun Right Ly?*She Winks.*
Lyra: Right Auntie Starlow. Bye Auntie see you next Weekend.*She waved Goodbye.*
Miniko: Thanks Sis I Owe You One!*She says with A smile while Hugging her Sister. As they then Left.*
Starlow: Anytime Sis! *Sighs* She is going to do great Things. *While looking At her Neice Nostalgically.*
It then Fades to Black with Lyra Winking at the Readers.
Lyra: Thank You So Much for reading our story WAHOO!!! Bye!!!
The End