dribbleandspitz A voice floats on the waves, drifting away. 1,040 May 6, 2016 #1 This video showcases lyrics found on the Super Mario Wiki, this isn't my own translation. For something I did do myself, though, I translated the lyrics to Drifting Away here. Enjoy!
This video showcases lyrics found on the Super Mario Wiki, this isn't my own translation. For something I did do myself, though, I translated the lyrics to Drifting Away here. Enjoy!
CM30 Diamond City Mayor Diamond City Leader 220,148 May 6, 2016 #2 Very nice! Reminds me of this translation the guys at Treasure Trove did a while back:
Robin Wario's ironical daughter! Diamond City Insider 36,266 May 7, 2016 #3 Thank you! My questions are answered!