Puyo Puyo

Harpy and Nohoho if it isn't too much trouble.
I'll keep an out for them, I'll have a lot more time to look for them tommorow, so I'll ring when the videos are up.
Well, Harpy wasn't very hard to find at all :
She even sings the numbers, it's so awww

Stilll looking for Nohoho, but there is a chance he may not have gotten any voice overs.

From what I understand, all characters in the game started out as voiceless, but most have gotten voices over time via updates, but not all of them.

I initially thought that only some of the Quest exclusives remained voiceless, but it seems like some returners were out of luck as well, especially since I can't find any voice actor information on Nohoho, unlike with others.

I'll still keep looking, but that's my status report as of now.
Quite cute, much appreciated. I remember seeing early versions of the game having no voice overs so it makes sense I guess I just forgot and I also haven't really kept up with the game.
I never really kept up with it myself, which is why this is new for me as well.

I'll continue to upload more, but I obviously won't post about it everytime, so if anyone ever get's curious for others just check this playlist:

And if there are more charas you lads want to see/hear soon don't shy away from asking.

Until then here are two I just uploaded :

It fits quite well, so no complaints here, althought I am admitingly still used to how he sounds in Tower of the Magician, so it's a bit different from what I expected.

And Jan just went from cute to friggin' huggable
Well, since we were talking about Quest earlier it's interesting to note that Allie, the new girl from Chronicles has been added to the game recently:


According to a number of people who play Quest ''Love'' seems to be a major theme of her character, to the point where her skill is called ''Love All'', which does line up with what we have seen or heard from her beforehand, like her Chronicles victory pose.

In other words: someone's spend too much time with Risukuma.
Everything is leaning towards it being that kind of love, yeah and I'm curious as to what they are going to do with it.
It certainly puts her ''Let's get intimate!'' catch phrase into an interesting light.
Oh boy that's kind of weird. Usually it's given to secondary characters since that kind of gimmick is a bit limited but we'll see how it goes. It certainly makes her more interesting to say the least. I wasn't having too high hopes for her initally but now this has piqued my interest somewhat.
It could really help her to stand out among the A trio at the very least, which would certainly be a plus, because I honestly feel that outside of very few select moments, Arle, Amitie and Ringo don't really stand out from each other when they are grouped together, unlike let's say, the Arle/Rulue/Schezo trio, which is why I honestly don't like them as a trio. Individually? Absolutely, won't hear me say a bad thing about either of the three, but as a trio not so much.

Admitingly this is more of a problem in the Light Novels (where Arle and Ringo may as well be a hivemind), but I do think that the games are guilty of it as well, especially after playing the Saturn Madou Monogatari and seeing just how much of a dynamic there was between Arle, Rulue, Schezo and Lagnus, I just want more like that between those three or at least spice it up with other protagonists.

But ya know, that's just me.
Never thought about it actually but yeah I can see that the three don't really have a ton of chemistry together. I also think the way the games have been set up lately haven't really given much room to build up a sort of dynamic. I hope the RPG factor of the new game will allow for more interactions beyond strung together cutscenes.
I do hope so as well, althought I think the lack of chemistry between the three may be why the games regulary put someone else in the group for them to interact with.

I think the Light Novels (althought I enjoy them otherwise) just soured me a bit on them as a team, because outside of moments where you have Arle interact with Schezo or Ringo with Maguro the two usually feel like they may as well be one character, althought that is likely also in part to blame towards everything being told from Amitie's perspective, so we don't get their individual thought on ANYTHING, which is especially bizzare in ''Sig's Secret'', I'm still not sure whether either of the two even cared about anything that was going on, since they are pretty much just extras there.

Maybe they'll do better this time, but I'm looking forward to what Allie is going to be like above all else.
In other news Sega announced their TGS2016 schedule:

Here are the Puyo relevant bits;
September 15 (NicoNico, Youtube, Abema Fresh)
14:30 to 15:00 – Puyo Puyo Chronicle – Featuring Mizuki Hosoyamada (Puyu Puyo series general producer). The announcement of Puyo Puyo Chronicle promotional characters.

September 17 (Niconico, YouTube, Abema Fresh)
12:45 to 13:15 – Puyo Puyo Chronicle – Featuring Mizuki Hosoyamada (Puyu Puyo series general producer), Tetsu Katano (Puyo Puyo Chronicle producer), and guests Mie Sonozaki (Arle voice actress) and Honoka Inoue (Allie voice actress). An introduction to the game, live gameplay, and a discussion with the actors.
"Puyo Puyo Chronicle promotional characters"? I wonder what that means. I wonder what's with Sega getting relatively unknown voice actresses for newly voiced characters. I can't find any information on Honoka Inoue aside from being the daughter of a famous voice actress if it's the right Honoka Inoue that I'm finding. They did the same with Witch as her voice actresses has barely started to show up in anime.
I can't say for sure, but it might just be an akward phrasing for character reveals, they are going to have a demo there, so having a larger cast then what we know now available would make sense
On that note TGS 2016 starts tommorow and we will get more news on Chronicles there, anyone goin' to watch the livestream ? I'll have to catch up with everything in post, cuz work n' stuff,