Terror! At The Disco
one great aspect of the Wario franchise's edgy and absurd sense of humor was how hilarious the ads were.
For WarioWorld they had this goofy ass commercial of a politician teaming up with Wario to give the greatest speech ever, which im sure by now we all know every politician has a Wario in their closet telling them what to do.
There was also my favorite one, the Crowdfarter ad for Game & Wario which was just an absurd satirization of how sketchy and manipulative Kickstarters could be, ontopic considering how big kickstarters became during that time period.
And let's not forget the 90s ads for Wario which were just fucking unsettling.
I really love this level of risktaking and level of "not giving a fuck" this franchise has and I wish nintendo would do something like these now, but i'm at least glad we're still getting wario games at all
For WarioWorld they had this goofy ass commercial of a politician teaming up with Wario to give the greatest speech ever, which im sure by now we all know every politician has a Wario in their closet telling them what to do.
There was also my favorite one, the Crowdfarter ad for Game & Wario which was just an absurd satirization of how sketchy and manipulative Kickstarters could be, ontopic considering how big kickstarters became during that time period.
And let's not forget the 90s ads for Wario which were just fucking unsettling.
I really love this level of risktaking and level of "not giving a fuck" this franchise has and I wish nintendo would do something like these now, but i'm at least glad we're still getting wario games at all