Should there be a Diamond City sandbox game?


Treasure Collector Extraordinaire
This could be a 3D open-world game where you take control of Wario in Diamond City. You can explore this place and the many characters in it. He uses his standard moves like the shoulder charge, but he just knocks stuff around with them. He could collect gold and diamonds and all anywhere in this city. And he could help out other characters by clearing little sidequest things for them. They'll reward him with more gold once he completes them.

The other WarioWare characters could be playable too, and with their own abilities and modes of transportation (depends on who).

Could there be enemies and bosses here and there as well? Or could this just be a simple download/eShop side game with no real mission other than to run around and fool around? (How often does Nintendo make those anyway?)

SPD likes to make all these experimental things and pass them off as games. And Nintendo hasn't tried the sandbox genre before, so this could be their chance to tackle it.
You mean like GTA? Yeah, that'd be kind of awesome. Also to be honest, it depends on the scale of the thing. Small eShop game? Perhaps a little too limited. Big AAA game? Awesome.
You think they would do it in polygon form or sprites (think Retro City (3DS/Wii) indie game)? Most likely polygon form but since all the Wario games worked on recently you could make it a sprite form platformer version of GTA. Get to end of stage-> steal object -> run away with it. Sounds familiar? It's WL4 and Shake It in a nutshell level wise.
Polygons would be easier to design/develop if you wanted it to be truly open world, but a sprite based game would potentially look better.

So... it depends. Are they doing this for the art (like in Wario Land 4) or on the cheap (like in say, Game & Wario)?
Well my idea was a true AAA sandbox game. I want a complete Wario experience. Do whatever I want as the jerk and not feel sorry. In order to have complex relationships with the world around you, it need to be a 3D game full of NPCs.
Well... I would love a game where I can drive through a big city in Wario's car WarioCar:: GTA-style.

A cartoony version of GTA would be awesome in general. x3
Like... when you run over people they just get flattened like in a cartoon. XP
If the other characters were to be playable, how would they work?

9-Volt = Uses an NES Zapper as a weapon, and uses his skateboard to get around faster
18-Volt = Uses a Super Scope as a weapon, but no vehicle
Orbulon = Uses his Oinker ship to fly around, works like a helicopter
Mona = Can change outfits at times, and use her moped to get around
Dribble & Spitz = Dribble is the one you control. They use their taxi to go around
If the other characters were to be playable, how would they work?

9-Volt = Uses an NES Zapper as a weapon, and uses his skateboard to get around faster
18-Volt = Uses a Super Scope as a weapon, but no vehicle
Orbulon = Uses his Oinker ship to fly around, works like a helicopter
Mona = Can change outfits at times, and use her moped to get around
Dribble & Spitz = Dribble is the one you control. They use their taxi to go around
Dr. Crygor uses his jetpack? ^^
Ashley flies around on her broom. :p
Jimmy is... uh... skiing through the streets? XD
Jimmy should have in-line skates as an item.

But what would this game's overall mission be anyway? Any bosses to fight or what? Any objectives to complete? People to help?

Wario wants sex with everyone but first he needs to kill everyone who's named Carl

9-Volt wants to buy MARIO AND LUIGI CAPITALSSS ROCKYOOO but he has no money. So he robs every house to get money.

Kat and Ana heard that if you fight with Samurai Goroh you can have sex with Wario

Jimmy T. and Bobobo collide

Mona has to get another job again and ends up as Magic Devil

Ashley wants to explode
Dribble and Spitz would be awesome if they worked like the characters in Mario Kart Double Dash. You know, one drives, one uses items/weapons against enemies and they can switch at any time.
But what would this game's overall mission be anyway? Any bosses to fight or what? Any objectives to complete? People to help?

I think the game should be about Wario acting as hired muscle. Different NPCs (both good and bad) around the map would pay you to perform various tasks, ranging from collecting bounties for catching criminals to breaking into high-security places and robbing them of all their loot.

And Captain Syrup would be one such NPC, but eventually she'd turn against you, steal everything you own, and you'd have to track her down to get it all back.
That sounds like something for Wario. This being Nintendo, it would have to be more light-hearted like Lego City Undercover. Should there also be missions for other characters when you use them?

I still don't get what people see in Captain Syrup. -.-
She's a rival to Wario who shares his greedy ambitions and similarly inhabits a moral gray area. It's nice to have two opponents who are both neither particularly good nor evil, and that are motivated by the same goal.
She's ugly like Pauline and I don't see what place she should have in a WarioWare setting. And if you're playing as the other characters in this, what business would they have with her anyway?
Yeah I think it's pretty sexist to judge a lady character based on her looks, when no one here is gonna suggest ditching Wario just because he's not Playgirl Magazine material.

And if you're playing as the other characters in this, what business would they have with her anyway?

Not necessarily any. Missions involving Captain Syrup could be exclusive to Wario, while other characters would have completely different missions to complete.