Thoughts on Ashley's appearance in Smash Bros 4?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
I've noticed some people don't like the design used... is there a reason for that?

And what do you think of the assist trophy's abilities in general? I'm not particularly keen myself, seems like it doesn't really do too much...
Yeah, she should have done more. Still, I'm happy she's in the game at all.

I have no problems with the design. Still, I can see why one would, given Game & Wario's designs in general were divisive. I actually prefer them, but I can see why one would prefer the older versions.
I really like her there, though, they actually made a good reference. Even though, as you said, it seems like she should do a bit more. Ashley casts a cloud with various effects on the other players, which is fitting for her. What I really like about her, is her 3D model. She looks really cute!
There is more, at the end of her act, you can hear a Jingle which is a remade portion of her theme song (the end of the song). A really simple and nice touch!
I'm really happy about her representation in Smash.
There is more, at the end of her act, you can hear a Jingle which is a remade portion of her theme song (the end of the song). A really simple and nice touch!

Really? I've never noticed this, I'll have to look out for it.

I've wanted her playable since Brawl. Waking up that morning to see her as the Pic of the Day, I almost flipped out ... until I realized that only trophies were shown on POTD, not newcomers. Ruined my whole freaking day. I had half a mind to not buy the game at ALL due to that, actually.

I've always thought Rosalina & Luma stole the gimmick that Ashley & Red could have pulled off.
I don't notice the Peach resemblance myself. I mean, Terrormisu looks like Peach. But no one from the WarioWare series does.
Well, she is kind of like a goth. But arguably in a good way, unlike the type of poseur that tends to be like that in real life.

At least she seems serious about the whole 'granting kids to hell' thing, and acts at least a tad cruel in the games. Always bugged by how many gothic characters think it's so 'cool' to look evil but not act it. She's still some way off being as dark as say, a Mario RPG villain or Dracula from Castlevania though..