Wario: A Decade in Review and a Look into the Future

Greedy Trickster

Long, tan, and handsome.
Happy New Years!

Let's talk about the past decade of Wario--

What? What do you mean only 2 games came out? Game and Wario and Warioware Gold? What about... Oh, yeah I guess D.I.Y. was 2010 in international releases only.

Well, 2010s everybody! He still appeared in Mario spin-offs and the like! Lets reminisce on the past 10 years of Wario and speculate about what wonders await us in the roaring 2020s for the Warioware and Land series! What new precedents have been set by past games of the last decade? Voice acting in future Warioware games? Uhh...


Eh, we'll come up with something.
There's Probably going to be a switch WW and I have a hunch Wario Land is somewhere on the top of Nintendo's list of properties to revisist. Beyond that, I don't really know what'll happen...

but I know what I want.

I love the idea. I have a friend who really wants Crazy Galaxy to become real.

Ashley getting her own series where she soars through the stars with her band of space-faring pals would really be something else.
The past decade hasn't exactly been the best one for Wario, that's something we can all agree with, I think.
But I really have no idea of what will happen to Wario, Wario Land, and WarioWare in the next decade, and beyond, though I must say that for reasons I don't really know myself, I think Wario will experience a 'revival' to some degree. But then again, I'm not one to make predections, so maybe I shouldn't do that here either. Only time will tell.