Wario Dating Sim

Wario grasped Adam firmly in his strong, beef-brisket arms and held him tightly against the gelatinous bosom of The Wah. Wario's luscious jelly-rolls gave way as Adam's own supple body pressed against that of Wario (it was kinda like when Moses parted the Red Sea, if the sea was made of lard). In this single euphoric moment, Adam felt as though he were laying upon a luxurious waterbed... in the middle of a wastewater treatment plant. The musky, humid aroma of Wario's pitstink wafted up to Adam's nose and Adam made the ahegao face

Very nice. Have you ever considered writing a novel? One that has Wario in it?
Wario grasped Adam firmly in his strong, beef-brisket arms and held him tightly against the gelatinous bosom of The Wah. Wario's luscious jelly-rolls gave way as Adam's own supple body pressed against that of Wario (it was kinda like when Moses parted the Red Sea, if the sea was made of lard). In this single euphoric moment, Adam felt as though he were laying upon a luxurious waterbed... in the middle of a wastewater treatment plant. The musky, humid aroma of Wario's pitstink wafted up to Adam's nose and Adam made the ahegao face
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