WarioWare Tooned! (EPISODE 7 PTS. 1 & 2 NOW ONLINE)

UPDATE: Pt. 1 of Episode 7 is now online!

I've been a fan of the WarioWare series since day one, and almost a decade ago, I decided to venture into the crazy world of Flash animation by starting a fan series based off of its colorful cast. Five two-part episodes were released from 2005 to 2007, after which I took a long break from the series to focus on school, work, and various real-life things. I always wanted to return to the series with the stuff I learned during the break, and made the first part of the sixth episode last year, before shelving the second half due to dissatisfaction with the script and the desire to rework the series a bit more.

Now that I've made the jump to Toon Boom for animation and have the script done and voices recorded, I can confirm that WarioWare Tooned 7 is on the way! The episode will revolve around Wario retelling the story of his initial move from the Mushroom Kingdom to Diamond City, and how he met the crazy group of microgame developers we all know and love.

Compared to previous episodes, this will boast sharper writing, drastically improved and reworked character designs, some new voices, and plenty of in-jokes for longtime Wario and Nintendo fans. For now, I'll post the finished character designs and links to the old episodes. I'd honestly recommend you start with the more recent ones and work your way backwards, as the early episodes were my first attempts at making my own animated shorts while I was still in high school, and things generally start seeing improvement around episode 3. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the series, as I do plan to make more episodes after 7, feel free to post them!


Behonkiss's Movies

Cool! I always wondered when this series would return, since I quite liked the old stuff, I remember watching it all the way back then, good times those were, but nevertheless, I gladly welcome back this series! :whirled:
Kinda late to this thread, but I just wanted to let you know how ridiculously nostalgic and comforting this episode is for me. You tooned series was one of the things that led me to liking the Wario series as much as I do today. Kudos :Peace:
No worries, those things take time.

Especially when you have a lot of people involved. And cartoons like this take a long time to organise as well.

Either way, I'll check out this episode later.
Well, just watched the latest episode. What did I think of it?

Overall, pretty good. Liked the jokes and sense of humour here, it certainly captures the feel of the WarioWare series overall. Love the line about how wacky and over the top Diamond City is, right before Wario realises it's Dribble and Spitz who are driving the taxi (or that it can fly/go super fast). Like, he's basically saying what we'd all be thinking in that situation, and it illustrates the insanity of the area/series very well.

Also bonus points for it being the two girls/cat from Jimmy T's story in WarioWare Gold that the taxi passes at mach 5. Nice to see some cameos and references to other WarioWare games sprinkled throughout here, and it makes me hopeful Nintendo will do the same if they ever remake the first WarioWare game like this.

Music was pretty nice too.

However, there were a few things I wasn't super keen on here.

Firstly, the voice acting was a mixed bag overall. Some characters just sounded exactly like they should do (Orbulon, Ashley), some sorted decent enough that I either didn't notice much of a change or it didn't take me out of the story (Wario, Mona, Dribble) and some of them... yeah, I didn't really like the voice acting for. Like Dr Crygor. It's an attempt at his voice, but it sounds really off here, and it makes me feel you may want to find someone else to voice him instead.

The line delivery wasn't always great either. It wasn't usually bad, and as said, the voice actors generally did a good job, but quite a few lines sounded rather flat to me. Like they were reading from the script more than explicitly acting.

Finally, the art style feels a bit dated overall.

And while I do hate to say that, that's not got anything to do with this series as a whole.

It's just in the last five/ten years, people expect a lot more from animations, songs, remixes, video games and writing online than they did before. In the old days, it was accepted that everyone online were amateurs. People didn't expect too much from any artform posted there, and many creators/organisations/companies did really well with content that looks downright archaic by today's standards.

But times change. Now people expect a lot more from their entertainment online, and they expect production values on par with professional published/broadcast media. Something like GameLife did really well about 5-10 years ago, but it'd likely sink without a trace if published today, simply because people expect more from an online review show than they did then:

Same goes with web animations. The Newgrounds style was originally amazing, but it doesn't look as hot today with heavy competition from YouTube creators and professional animators.

And this show is in a similar boat unfortunately. It's good, but it's stylistically a little dated, and I feel it needs to be modernised a bit to really hit its full potential.

Still, don't be discouraged. As I said, the episode was a fun watch, and it did a lot of things right. It just needs to be updated for the times on a visual level, and get a bit better at voice direction overall.
It's just in the last five/ten years, people expect a lot more from animations, songs, remixes, video games and writing online than they did before. In the old days, it was accepted that everyone online were amateurs. People didn't expect too much from any artform posted there, and many creators/organisations/companies did really well with content that looks downright archaic by today's standards.

But times change. Now people expect a lot more from their entertainment online, and they expect production values on par with professional published/broadcast media. Something like GameLife did really well about 5-10 years ago, but it'd likely sink without a trace if published today, simply because people expect more from an online review show than they did then:

Same goes with web animations. The Newgrounds style was originally amazing, but it doesn't look as hot today with heavy competition from YouTube creators and professional animators.

And this show is in a similar boat unfortunately. It's good, but it's stylistically a little dated, and I feel it needs to be modernised a bit to really hit its full potential.

Still, don't be discouraged. As I said, the episode was a fun watch, and it did a lot of things right. It just needs to be updated for the times on a visual level, and get a bit better at voice direction overall.

It's funny that this was your biggest issue with this episode because I'm in the same boat myself! The script and voices were all finished half a decade ago, and many of the character designs and rigs are even older. The project originating in Toon Boom Animate (An older and inferior version of what is now TB Harmony, my main software) also limited stuff like line thickness and coloring/shading options and importing the rigs from Flash caused more animation errors.

One of the reasons it honestly took so long was that it felt discouraging to keep going back to material I know I would do many different things with today if I were to start the episode from scratch. But I plowed through it and it's nice to have it genuinely done and released rather than scrapping it halfway like I did Episode 6, and with Gold both reinvigorating my passion for the series as well as adding more lore and characters, I'm excited to get to the next episode (Which will have a very different format from this and the previous ones, but I'll save that reveal for an actual trailer or screenshots) as well as other personal projects.

In the meantime, thank you for your honest critique. And if you want a better idea of how future things will look, here are the 2D shots I did from scratch for the Gold collab:

Big news - Episode 8's script is done, and while I've already cast some of the characters, we're still looking for voice actors for 7 of them! Auditions are open till the 31st and those who are picked will be brought back for future episodes and smaller shorts I'm planning, so consider taking a look and either trying out or spreading the word.
Big news - Episode 8's script is done, and while I've already cast some of the characters, we're still looking for voice actors for 7 of them! Auditions are open till the 31st and those who are picked will be brought back for future episodes and smaller shorts I'm planning, so consider taking a look and either trying out or spreading the word.

Like i said on Twitter, i am quite interested in doing this. Mostly for Ana and Lulu.
Hey there! I love the idea of a WarioWare animated series, and it's awesome to see that this series has come back from a long hiatus. I'll honestly admit that I hadn't seen any of those videos myself up until this point (I was at the whole other side of Newgrounds, lol; much more Sonic), but I'll be sure to give them a watch soon. Best of luck with the series!
Episode 8 is fully cast - SpiritNightz actually did land both the roles of Lulu and Ana! I still need to save up some money to pay one professional VA who agreed to play Penny, but I can start rolling along after that.

In the meantime, I've started doing goofy little mini-shorts with the character rigs. One making use of text-to-speech and a Vinesauce meme and another referencing that Lulu's official voice showed up in Edgerunners.
