The Pretty Much Lonely Fan
Woah, has it really been a million years since the last episode?
The beginning was makes me laugh, seeing how overrated Ashley is.
The beginning was makes me laugh, seeing how overrated Ashley is.
UPDATE: Pt. 1 of Episode 7 is now online!
I've been a fan of the WarioWare series since day one, and almost a decade ago, I decided to venture into the crazy world of Flash animation by starting a fan series based off of its colorful cast. Five two-part episodes were released from 2005 to 2007, after which I took a long break from the series to focus on school, work, and various real-life things. I always wanted to return to the series with the stuff I learned during the break, and made the first part of the sixth episode last year, before shelving the second half due to dissatisfaction with the script and the desire to rework the series a bit more.
Now that I've made the jump to Toon Boom for animation and have the script done and voices recorded, I can confirm that WarioWare Tooned 7 is on the way! The episode will revolve around Wario retelling the story of his initial move from the Mushroom Kingdom to Diamond City, and how he met the crazy group of microgame developers we all know and love.
Compared to previous episodes, this will boast sharper writing, drastically improved and reworked character designs, some new voices, and plenty of in-jokes for longtime Wario and Nintendo fans. For now, I'll post the finished character designs and links to the old episodes. I'd honestly recommend you start with the more recent ones and work your way backwards, as the early episodes were my first attempts at making my own animated shorts while I was still in high school, and things generally start seeing improvement around episode 3. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the series, as I do plan to make more episodes after 7, feel free to post them!
Behonkiss's Movies
It's just in the last five/ten years, people expect a lot more from animations, songs, remixes, video games and writing online than they did before. In the old days, it was accepted that everyone online were amateurs. People didn't expect too much from any artform posted there, and many creators/organisations/companies did really well with content that looks downright archaic by today's standards.
But times change. Now people expect a lot more from their entertainment online, and they expect production values on par with professional published/broadcast media. Something like GameLife did really well about 5-10 years ago, but it'd likely sink without a trace if published today, simply because people expect more from an online review show than they did then:
Same goes with web animations. The Newgrounds style was originally amazing, but it doesn't look as hot today with heavy competition from YouTube creators and professional animators.
And this show is in a similar boat unfortunately. It's good, but it's stylistically a little dated, and I feel it needs to be modernised a bit to really hit its full potential.
Still, don't be discouraged. As I said, the episode was a fun watch, and it did a lot of things right. It just needs to be updated for the times on a visual level, and get a bit better at voice direction overall.
Big news - Episode 8's script is done, and while I've already cast some of the characters, we're still looking for voice actors for 7 of them! Auditions are open till the 31st and those who are picked will be brought back for future episodes and smaller shorts I'm planning, so consider taking a look and either trying out or spreading the word.