When was the Golden Pyramid built in Wario Land 4?


Diamond City Mayor
Diamond City Leader
Seems kind of strange as a place, since the technology levels seem to vary from mostly modern to near prehistoric. So when exactly was the pyramid built? What kind of era did characters like Princess Shokora and the Golden Diva first actually live in?
I can't really back this up, but it always occured to me that it was Shokora that had put together the portals in order to assist who she classed as the right person, once they came along. Because she's probably been cursed for a long, long time, and evidently roams places such as the city streets as shown in the opening, I think she managed to keep with the times throughout the years and hence knew about any advancements. Bear in mind as well that in addition to her transformations, she also offers weapons such as bombs and cannons in her item shop.

...But really, the way I percieved the game when I played, I took it that, subliminally, Shokora was with you the whole time. Put it this way, I think the Pyramid was able to stay modern in part because Shokora, despite being cursed, carried on living and learning new things about the world. This contrasts with the Golden Diva, who's level is strictly within the bounds of the Pyramid itself, emphasizing that all she's done this whole time is wallow in her own riches.

For what it's worth, I believe that because of this, Shokora composed and recorded the CDs you get for the Sound Room. There's some sort of logic to this, I swear.