Will We See Anything Wario Related in Mario Wonder Tomorrow?

Sadly you guys were right about this one. Would be cool to finally see Wario (and Waluigi) in a Mario platformer again though.
bubble flower, drill mushroom, mario and daisy said "wowie zowie" when using the elephant power up 💀
edit: T H E Y A L L S A Y W O W I E Z O W I E 💀💀💀💀💀
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tbh if they all say wowie zowie when they become elephants then i'm glad wario isn't in the game, or would he be another character for filthy casuals and basically be perma-elephant (except for wonder flower effects obviously)
You get Wario Wonderworld by Yuji Naka instead what do
i should reiterate on my last post, he'd have the elephant moves, but in his own style (trunk attacks=wario attacks, water=drinking it and spitting it out, breaking blocks=shoulder bash), and no damage