Your faults

I am very self conscious of all the Kyon stuff I wrote that's all over the forums. I mean I know existing members won't think much of it but I am a bit nervous that I'll make a bad impression on potential new members. I wouldn't want it to be scrubbed since while I reject most of the things I used to think I don't reject that I ever held those views.
1) Sometimes Im affraid to say something bad, something out-of-place, be way too rude or dissapoint/make someone angry, so Ill be easly banned.
2) Sometimes I fail to keep promises. Remember me saying on this forums discord about Wario-related project a year ago? So where is it anyway?
3)I really need to play more Wario Land someday. Because sometimes, I (As WarioWare big fan) dont understand Smash Wario hate, if most of his punch attacks are Land references (Exept Shoulder Bash removing in Sm4sh, And down-B, Which would be better, If he was just throwing WarioWare Bomb with same effect instead, doesnt it?), how much underrated by media and other Nintendo fans was it. (Marketing was actually good, at least better, than Ware series one, but latter ended up being still allive, while Land series met Klonoa's fate) and why really this series kept silence for 10 years, if games werent really bad (I dont really think WarioWare overshadowed it soooooooo much)?
I must be arrested for i have committed a crime against humanity.
The only Shin Megami Tensei game I've ever played was Jack Bros. for the Virtual Boy. I bet i'm really missing out.

How does anyone even play Jack Bros. that in itself is the strangest thing I heard from you.
I'm extremely prideful, but also tend to feel inadequate (because there's always gonna be someone who's better than you), which inspires anger, and envy even more so.
I'm also hypocritical, in the sense that when I preach what I don't practice, it's because I'm using the "advice" as a means of putting someone down for the sake of my own ego.
I'd like to think that I'm better than the other 4-6 members of my family that are exactly the same way, but I'd only say that to brag, and all that that proves is that I am not.
...Of course, I think I'm the only one of these six family members who wouldn't deny that they are this way. The other three that are particularly bad about this are probably even worse about it, though, because not only do they not acknowledge it, but the symptoms are worse is it obvious that I'm proving my own point about my main faults right now.

Um. Anyways. We tend to butt heads because of our similarities, I think. We're stubborn, prideful, envious, nosy, and have different talents (said talents are in different fields, so that means ammunition for berating each other muahaha), and I think that we secretly like to see each other happy, even though we hate that what's currently making them happy is usually one source of our jealousies towards them.
So, in other words, four bitches get together, and strategically try to bash each other while only ever arguing semantics.
One of my biggest faults, I find, is that I have a tendency to fall out of contact with friends and social groups eventually, basically just because I rarely have the willpower to start a dialogue. Actively interacting with people takes a lot out of me, to the point where I have problems forcing myself to do it. This also explains my occasional disappearances here, incidentally; I simply have trouble making myself say things sometimes.