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You know you're playing a good old fashioned retro game when you're chill playing just to be hit with this :

Had to hard reset the game to fix this. Soft reset didn't work.
BACK AND BETTER THAN BEFORE! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR WELL WISHES! Picking up the pieces of life and building something better! More updates to come. Joined a small indy development company and we're making Vtube streamers, video games, and they say they will help me with my book.

As things solidify more I'll post more stuff ;


(Unfortunately no wario game streaming until we get the 3D models set up for vtubing so that the word of the wah can be properly spread)

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Reactions: Baker Man and Magma
Oh hey, nice to see you again and good to see that you're doing well.
Baker Man
Baker Man
Welcome back, I missed you man, glad to see your absence had a whole character arc
Oh it had more than a character arc. Lets just say. You guys know I tried to get in touch with Nintendo. I tried to pitch them Wario Wacky Waffle Stompers. I guess they liked it because wouldn't you believe it, Princess Peach Show Time dropped some time after...

Now I'm not going to make this my villian arc. Heck. I'm not even going to be sore about it. I even played Princess Peach Show Time. If anything I'm happy they heard me out about loving wario and admitting I liked the super princess peach game and told them how those two games are a big inspiration for me. I didn't really talk about the 3D element either so... I'm just saying maybe its a really big coincidence....

BUT HERE'S HOW I'M TAKING IT! I should follow my gut and release games I have an inkling for. The thing is I have been forming a crew. We all want to make projects happen. It got me thinking; how do I make games? Who do I look at? Wario of course. Wariorware. He made a crew! If our stinky greased up garlic hero can do it let it be a shinning example to all of us.

I already have 3 games conceptualized with levels. A 3D platformer (I'm still going to follow through with Waffle stompers in its own way even though Showtime kind of took most of the ideas lol), An action game that plays like Donkey Kong 64, and hillarious/potentially skillful platformer with replayability and 8-10 characters with completely unique movesets.

:wariocaralt:now I got some threads to catch up on
I performed my first speedrun, Pizza Tower any%, I got 59% in 1:58:42 (screenshots attached)



I could've shaved off some time in some places (restarted bc I left the mushroom behind in wasteyard when I could've just gotten it on the run-back, other mishaps in golf and crust cove), but in the end it was just fine (I skipped don't make a sound bc I knew pizzascare and war would be quicker and I beat bosses quick), all in all a successful speedrun
Looks like I gotta buy me some Pizza Tower to race you
Played WarioWare: Snapped today. The only thing good about is the sprite work in the intro cutscene. Apart from that, I had no issues setting up the game, my camer worked well but it just wasn't fun in the slightest. The game only works when it feels like it... At least it deosn't waste your time since it's over in a 5 minutes.
Guys, new year, new me !


Already messed it up. 2026's gonna be my year fr tho.


Already messed it up in advance too. So... see ya in 2027....


Hey, it's gonna be Mario's 40th next year ! So I'm guessing we'll get Mario Movie 2, Switch 2 and hopefully the next 3D Mario game. Bonus points if Wario's gonna be here ! (please don't remove your games on March 31st this time).
WarioWare: Computed! Title Screen and Main Menu :

This will probably be the last progress update I'll make here, I'll let you discover ther rest when the demo hoepfully comes out.

TJ the Kid
Pie Guy
Mario Gamer
"Why spend Christmas Eve waiting for some extra fat white dude to come busting through the ceiling? When you could spend Christmas Eve with yours truly the super-villain?"
Dark 9-Volt
Dark 9-Volt
disclaimer: i was quoting the "Christmas with DOOM" thingy from adult swim
Merry Christmas folks! Hope you're having a great time this holiday season
I haven't really checked on this place in a while but I am truly impressed at how this place manages to just continue to be active.
The Wario community is a persistent one, that's for sure.
Today Sonic 3 and TF2 comic 7 came out, so I'm gonna be binge reading the TF2 comics
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So it released in America, huh ? In France we have to wait until the 25th. But eh, I wasn't gonna watch it on release day anyways so whatever.
Baker Man
Baker Man
I'm not watching it release date either, I'm asking if for Christmas I can go see it with my dad
Just got WarioWare: Move It! today :

I played until the point just before Remix 1.
It's pretty fun but for whatever reason the game annoys me. I don't know why but it just has an obnoxious vibe. It doesn't have that quirky yet charming charm of the originals and it doesn't have that cutesy vibe from GiT. Maybe I'm just tired or something so that could explain why it gets on my nerves so much.

Also I've noticed the game is kind of easy for now. Only got a Game Over on the Ashley boss and even then it was because I didn't calibrate my Joy-Cons well. I saw the Second Chance Pose and decided to not do it since it just defeats the purpose of the Game Over.

Anyways, I'm really hoping I'll change my mind about it tomorrow, I really want to like that game. I feel like it could be very fun.

Edit : I continued playing and the game is a lot of fun. The game gets significantly harder at Remix 1, still I'd advise not doing the Conitnue Pose as that nullifies the challenge of the game. It's a very fun WarioWare title.
The insect is not real.
The insect is not real.
The insect is not real.