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    Seeing what r/wario looked like a while ago. I do not want to know what kind of posts were in this subreddit to be deemed unmoderated.
    Needed some sprites from WarioWare, Inc. but suprisingly didn't find them anywhere so I decided to rip them myself. I also decided to submit them to the Spriters Resource and MFGG but they're pending sumbmission.

    Edit : They approved it on TSR, let's go !
    Looks like AntonBlast released, eh ? I'll definitely be wanting to play that game one day but I don't feel like grabbing a copy now. For anyone that did buy it, have fun !

    .... Also please try keep spoilers hidden with the spoiler feature for people that would like to play it. I don't care about the story but the gameplay I'm sure has quite a few surpises in it !
    Played VB Wario Land using a 3DS emulator for the first time. Honeslty, I'm kind of mad that it released on Virtual Boy because that game has amazing graphics annd great controls. I might even argue that Wario never controlled as well as in this game. Something about his charge attack in this game feels great compared to the other games.

    Also, I'd have to say the stereoscopic 3D effects look really cool. I didn't care for them much but when faced with the first boss I was pleasantly suprised with how well it works !

    Alas, its palette due to being on Virtual Boy is lacking making the levels feel a bit samey. To lessen this flaw, I'd recommend changing the color scheme at each level. But it's not really fixing the issue, just making it a bit less worse. Plus, it still has the get touched, turn small mechanic of the Mario games which I'm not a fan of since it makes you unable to charge which is by far the funnest thing to do in the game.

    I've yet to finish the game, so maybe it gets really bad or really good afterward and I'm just not aware.
    Yellow Pyoro
    Yellow Pyoro
    I agree about the charge attack/how Wario controls. It might be best of all the WL games.
    It would be really amazing to try one day. Nobody misses stereoscopic 3d, but it was really good and I notice the 3d despite people saying they do not notice it.
    Since this is my first time messing around with MIDIs, I did a little test by replacing The Big Board from Wario Land 4's intruments by Sonic ones. It isn't very good but I thought I'd put it here either way :
    Yeah, I'm not used to work with soundfonts so I kinda struggle to find the right instruments (especially with the fact that I have trouble understanding music terminology) but I hope I'll get used to it eventually.
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    There are times where I just fiddle around until I hit the right instruments, you get used to it eventually.
    Yeah, that's what I did too. I also spent sometime looking for a complete enough soundfont but I couldn't find the 3D Blast instruments I wanted to use.
    Made artwork for my fangame inspired by Touched and Twisted's boxart. Since I don't know how to draw, I've used pre-existing assets. I think it looks decent enough for what it is.


    WarioWare, Inc Title Screen assets were ripped by Mario Gamer.
    So, I decided to try to make the WarioWare: Get it Together booklet and I sturggled. It's bad enough that I suck at crafting but as an added malus it's in a languagae I can't understand. At last, I was able to make it even though it looks really unpolished. (Also, it's really easy, I'm just bad at this).
    Now at least I have something in my case aside from the disclaimer that tells you to take a break for 15 minutes every hour.

    Just did my first casual 31 stars speedrun of Super Mario 64. I didn't look up a route or anything juts kinda did what I thought was faster. I got 1h 09mn 09sec. Honeslty it was pretty fun, the only thing that annoyed me was the last Bowser course. I kept falling off because of tyring to go too fast. I lost like 10 minutes because of it.
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    The 3rd Wario Brother
    I always felt like Bowser in the sky was a stupid easy course to go through for the last level, but that last Bowser fight? Either 2 seconds or 15 hours no in-between
    Yeah... it's really easy. I just missed my last long jump and fell all the way down like a morron. 10/10 would do again
    Progress update on WarioWare: Computed! since switch to GMS2 :

    The game is still being worked on. I've basically fully finished the code for the stage (the thing that plays microgames and bosses) as well as implemented 9 microgames and a boss.

    Keep in mind that I do a lot of things aside from making this fangame so that's why the devloppment may seem slow. Also, I have a lot more to add to the game. Expect the demo to come out around March 2025.

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    Reactions: Yellow Pyoro
    "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
    Don't worry, the "releases in March 2025" thing is just so I have a dead line and don't procrastinate. If I need a little more time to polish the game, I'll take that time.
    Bro, I played WarioWare: Smooth Moves and I got the microgame where they ask "Are we in September ?" and I said no but it was midnight so it was 12AM September 1st! AAAH !
    Wario Land : Shake It! microgame.

    That is so cool!! I am always hoping that they make one based on that game in a future entry of the franchise. It was my first Wario Land game, I remember getting so excited to be able to play it as a kid.
    They should add inflation and the ability to sell stuff to other members in the site so that I can buy all the stocks of an expensive item, destroy everything but 5 and sell them for 20x their value because they are rare lol.
    Don't mind me changing my profile music. I can't quite decide which I wanna put. I wanna put Juju from Sonic Xtreme but I can't seem to find it as an MP3 on the internet.
    Just look up Youtube to mp3.
    Yeah, I know I can convert it to MP3 (hell I even made a Python Script for that) but that would require uploading to a website to have the link and since the legality of using YT MP3 rippers is pretty unclear. I didn't do it... I don't think would happen if I were to upload, though so... Whatever. Either way, I prefer to stick with the current anyways.
    Y'know, I was doing my fangame on Scratch at first because I thought it was fun to find work arounds for things but since I switched to GMS2, it's so much more effecient than Scratch I don't think I wanna do anything else on Scracth, now ! (Except for the sprite editor, the one in GMS2 is awful but I'm kinda getting use to it while using GIMP to make it easier)

    Also for the record I never really considered Scratch an actual game engine or anything, I just used it for fun.
    Hi, just wanted to say that my fangame (WarioWare: Computed!) is switching development from Scratch and TurboWarp to Game Maker Studio 2.

    If you're curious as to why I did it in Scratch instead of something more capable in the first place, it's because it was originally just gonna be a couple of microgames (20 to 30, similar to the available demo) but as I had more and more ambitious ideas, I decided to switch game engines. (The WarioWare Engine on Scratch may still get updated though)

    Also unrelated but I now have custom music on my profile. wariosm2;

    Finally got back home form vacation, gonna continue to work on the WarioWare fangame. Expect a Demo 2 and an update of the engine to drop soon (hopefully).
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