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  • Hi, just wanted to say that my fangame (WarioWare: Computed!) is switching development from Scratch and TurboWarp to Game Maker Studio 2.

    If you're curious as to why I did it in Scratch instead of something more capable in the first place, it's because it was originally just gonna be a couple of microgames (20 to 30, similar to the available demo) but as I had more and more ambitious ideas, I decided to switch game engines. (The WarioWare Engine on Scratch may still get updated though)

    Also unrelated but I now have custom music on my profile. wariosm2;

    Finally got back home form vacation, gonna continue to work on the WarioWare fangame. Expect a Demo 2 and an update of the engine to drop soon (hopefully).
    God, I wished I played WarioWare Gold as a kid. I would've absolutely spent so much time dubbing the cutscenes in the studio.
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    Reactions: Yellow Pyoro
    Lol. Totally. I don't even use that feature so much and I have already sunk like over 600 hours into that game... definitely my most played game ever.
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