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  • Pokemon creative design director killed in windstorm.
    King Hehehe
    King Hehehe
    We didn't really know much about Eric Medalle, but it's nonetheless tragic that he met his end in such a way. May he rest in peace, and may his family have strength in this awful time.
    OH MY GOD. I HAD THIS SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR 5 YEARS...Everyday I'd think of the tone, I forgot the lyrics. So it bugged me almost everyday for 5 years...until I found midomi, lol. I just had to hum the tone and it found it. OMG, I'm so happy.
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    Ive had a few songs like that, that took me like over a year to find : p Roxy Music's Mother of Pearl, Pixie's Where is my Mind?, and Joy Division's Love Will Tear Us Apart. I loved these songs for a really long time without ever knowing their names or who wrote them : p (This is before I had internet)
    I found Mario Party at a pawn shop, had MP2 since childhood and met up with somebody to buy MP3. Than the rest I had since childhood. I'm just missing 8,9 and island tour.
    Me too, we always play it when friends come over, it's our favorite Mario Party game, my favorite map is Western Land. I am always Mario and my Sister is always Luigi.
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    My sisters kind of use everybody randomly, hehe. I myself like to use Wario, of course. My favorite map is Pirate Land.

    now that I think about it, My sisters and I played nothing but N64 huehue
    The few times Ive played Mario Party, Ive always used Peach.

    The great thing about Peach is you dont have to call her before anyone else, no one really wants to use Peach : p
    I am pretty sure I left myself logged in at a best Buy store, so if I rate any posts that isn't me.
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    Boris Carloft's Car Loft
    It would be amazing if someone there who's a Wario fan saw this site and joined... Could this be our new method for getting people to join the Wario Forums!? EVERYONE, SET THE HOMEPAGE TO WARIO FORUMS FOR THE COMPUTERS IN BEST BUY HUEHUE

    First, Best Buy. Then...

    The world. Hue.
    OMG, a friend of mine just revealed she was actually a girl this whole time. OMG, how could this be? no wonder, things finally make sense now, lol.
    King Hehehe
    King Hehehe
    That's just how the internet works. You never know if someone is who they say they are, but at the same time, that doesn't really affect the kind of person they are one way or another.
    I just judge people's gender based on how many emojis they use on a daily basis
    I just thought she was gay before, she told me awhile ago she liked Pajamas aka Paradox, but he was a guy too. so I just assumed she was gay, lol.

    It makes sense now, lol.
    I'm not doing that again, lol.
    People remembered me right away, the chat went all crazy. Calling me by another name, not gonna do that ever again.

    Those people know what I've done, thought they would have forgotten by now, but I guess what I did can never be forgiven.
    Ahh, memories. Specifically ones involving internet riot police.
    Im glad i found this place, LMR and miiverse is a little too high strung for me.
    Yes, LMR and Miiverse are in both ways very weird.
    Oh god, I'm gonna try to go back to my old wiki chat. Wish me luck. Oh hell I'm scared, lol. I'm feeling a huge rush!
    Goodness me, I need to learn manners.
    Where ever are my manners? Sorry, BigMagam. It's a mess in here, let me clean it up! *5 minutes later.* Thank you for stopping by, what can I help the?
    I don't think there's anything you can do that would be of any benefit to me.
    Well if there's anything I can do within the day come and ask me.
    Can't believe I'm just starting to watch Arrow. Pretty awesome show, I've been watching a lot of live tv shows lately, mostly by DC. Walking dead is pretty great too.
    Happy birthday to the love of my life, PinkDragon310 aka Dragon. I hope you're having a great time. I miss you a lot <3
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    huh, that is a coincidence. one of my friends has a birthday today too. anyway, wish dragon a good birthday for me ^-^
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