Where are Wario fans from?

If I'm remembering correctly, Russian doesn't have a "W" sound. It's often substituted with a V.

This is a simple way to distinguish Russian vodka from Polish vodka. If it's from Russia, it's spelled Vodka. If it's from Poland, it's mostly spelled Wódka, though only in the name of the drink's brand and not in discriptions.
Literally me
Foreign language lessons are fun.
I actually took Russian for 2 years in high school though that was a long time ago and I don't remember a lot.

Yeah, they can be great to help your brain with learning and remembering new things. I'm doing a self-study on Danish, though as of lately I haven't done much on it. Should pick it up someday.
You can't say "American" though, because Canadians and South Americans get super triggered

Pfffft Canadians dont freaking care, no Canadian wants to be called American. Its just a south american thing, and its completely ridiculous and such a minor issue that we dont need to change the name of our national identity to make them feel happy : p