Where are Wario fans from?

T3WB subs: Blah WA blah blah bad accent
You were really close. "Loud WA with a terrible Russian accent".
Ж instead of "zh"
Ш instead of "sh"
Щ instead of "shch" (not like "stch", it's a soft Ш)
No W, Q, H or Y. No "th" sound as well.
Some words from other languages have H substituted with G. There's a H (looks like Х), but it doesn't work like in English.
Have fun!
Don't know jack about Russian but i believe your talking about a bad accent?

T3WB subs: Blah WA blah blah bad accent
If I'm remembering correctly, Russian doesn't have a "W" sound. It's often substituted with a V.
instead of "he got hot" its "ge got got" lol
gee gee gee baby baby gee gee
Ж instead of "zh"
Ш instead of "sh"
Щ instead of "shch" (not like "stch", it's a soft Ш)
No W, Q, H or Y. No "th" sound as well.
Some words from other languages have H substituted with G. There's a H (looks like Х), but it doesn't work like in English.
Have fun!

This is not what I wanted to turn this thread into, but I love it!:coolmario::mkexcellente: