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  • Hyped for tomorrow's Direct... this could quite possibly be our first real look at Wario's new voice actor if we get more info on the new game!!
    • Informative
    Reactions: Yellow Pyoro
    wow, i didn't even know there was a new direct coming! i can't wait to see more Wario...MUST HAVE MORE WARIOS
    Baker Man
    Baker Man
    it'll probably be like SMBW where you have to see in the credits
    Hi, i am new, are you here often?
    Video game wise (although I should stop playing video games entirely), Yume Nikki (my favorite game!!), Rhythm Heaven, Punch-Out!!, the Mario Galaxy games. I also like hiking, playing the piano, making music, drawing, studying languages, hanging out with people when I can, just being active in general.
    Kaptain K. Rool
    Kaptain K. Rool
    Nice! i like mario galaxy games too, would you like to chat with me in a pm?
    Sorry to keep posting so much but THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!
    Dark 9-Volt
    Dark 9-Volt
    One of the best things Soundcloud got to offer.
    I realized that I made a miscalculation about how many Japanese Big Name Games there are, and I figured it out for real: the WarioWare series has 1286 microgames in total! We'll see the 200+ that the new game adds. Also, happy 3rd anniversary to Gold here in North America, and 15th to Rhythm Tengoku!!
    I had a dream last night that I was with one of my friends, and it made me realize just how much I miss being with her. On the bright side, at least I'm sad because of that and not the usual depression.
    "Repeat after me, it's a scoobie-oobie-doobie-scoobie-doobie melody!"
    Everybody's born to compete as he chooses, but what does winning mean if winning means that someone loses? I sit and see and wonder what it's like to be in touch, no wonder all my brothers and my sisters need a crutch. I wanna be a human being, not a human doing. I couldn't keep that pace up if I tried. The source of my intention really isn't crime prevention, my intention is prevention of the lie, yeah, and to welcome you to Scatman's World.
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    "I wanna be a human being, not a human doing."

    Scatman John was a freaking genius. So sad that he became famous just years before he passed to soon.
    i wish i could go a day without wanting to kill myself
    • Sad
    Reactions: Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    @It's Pizza Time,

    If you have thoughts like this, please seek help from a doctor or psychiatrist. This is not something you should ignore and think of like it's normal or just a phase. Suicidal thoughts are a very serious issue, regardless of whether you our those areound you brush it off as being otherwhise.
    Whatever the reason may be, do not take your own life. Committing suicide is an unneccessary, permanent, and extremely grief-causing decision that is not worth it.
    Even though you may not think so, remember that there are people that love you and care for you, and who will be extremely saddened by your death: Ending one's life does not solve suffering, it only creates more sorrow.

    And I know that life can be hard at times. Or even all the time. I too often struggle with feelings of despair, worthlessness, self-hatred, not belonging to this world, etc. and although I've never had those awful thoughts that you have, I too have had thimes that I couldn't care less about my life, and I won't make it a secret that if I knew my life would become what it is today, I would rather not have been born, and every hour of every day, from the moment I wake up until I finally fall asleep, I deeply wished that I could live in a world where I can be who I truly am, where I can love and be loved, where my life has purpose, and where I can truly be happy.

    But sadly, it may not be.
    It took me a long time to come to accept this, and although I'm nor really much better off now, at least I've learnt that sometimes accepting how things are and stoically carrying on is possibly the best thing you can do.

    However, you should not think this way. You should seek help for your very serious condition.
    And remember, you are loved, and people do care about you. (I certainly do, even though I have never seen you in real-life, and probably never will.)
    Never lose hope, for this too shall pass.

    I hope this helped you.
    I wish I could be happy and stop comparing myself to others
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    Yeah, I wish I could be happy too, and just stop hating myself.
    I too have been comparing my life to that of others on a daily basis, and it makes my struggles with my inner self not easier at all, but I can't just simply shake it off either. It's so damn frustrating.
    New Nintendo Direct tomorrow for the first time since September of 2019! Lets hope for a new Ware/Land game! I honestly wouldn't even mind a port of Shake It!!
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    Reactions: BeegYoshi06
    I've doubt they would show anything Wario related in today's direct.
    Take a look at the LAAAWW MAAAN beating up the wrong guy!! OOHHH MAAAN!! Wonder if he'll ever know? He's in the best-selling shoooow... Is there life on MAAAAARS??
    At this point I'm done with thinking I shouldn't be happy just because I don't have this thing or that thing. I'm going to try to focus more on what I do have and how I can improve myself to attain my goals.
    • Like
    Reactions: Ninja_Cat
    Just a Wario Fan
    Just a Wario Fan
    That's a good spirit. I too have tried to shift my personal life goals and how to achieve them over time, especially in the past few months, because I realised that the way I was going on was not that right one, and was not going to work anymore. But having to do such a thing is not a bad thing at all, because sometimes you just have to turn things another way to make life better, if you know what I mean, and I think you probably know.
    So don't worry; if living in a certain way doesn't give you the happiness you've been longing for, don't hesitate to bring change into it.

    And one more important thing that I've learnt to accept, and this one might be the most important one of all of this: Don't expect happiness all the time, and accept that life can, and will, be hard and unpleasant sometimes. Just accepting that you can't be happy all the time is something that most people don't realise but is quite important nonetheless.
    For you see, when we're constantly happy and afraid of not being it, we will be much more vurnerable to those less fortunate times, and be less happy overall as a result of it.

    Well, that's enough philosophical rambling for now, if you can even call it that. I hope it still helped you, even if it's not much; I'm not very good at writing these "pep-talks" either, you know.
    Hey, you know what, thanks for responding, it means a lot to me. I totally get what you're saying with the whole thing about how we're not going to be happy all the time and I totally understand that. After all, sometimes we need to hit a low point in order to be able to spring back up and succeed, and I think it's this specific focus on succeeding a lot of the time that has brought me down more than any actual hardship. Believe me, I desperately want to bring about change in my life so I can finally get the two things I most want right now, a job and a driver's license, and I have tried, but like you said, there just are some points when I've gone about it the wrong way. Like today, I didn't even put this new focus into practice, I felt awful and hopeless for most of the day just because I don't understand a lot of what everyone around me seemingly does. But thankfully, I feel a lot better now even if my sad self doesn't want that at all for me. It's just been a lot of different things that have changed for me as I'm finishing up my first quarter of college and going back home. I want to improve myself, I just have trouble finding the right way to go about doing it and then get even more sad as I compare my abilities to those of others. That's ultimately what's been happening lately.
    Happiness is not a destination. You are completely free to feel happy whenever. We can have currently unmet goals and be happy simultaneously.
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